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"I can't believe its over." Rachel whispered. They were back on that same balcony, but this time it was different. They had just lost to the USA. Everyone was distraught, no one more than Steph. The penalty miss had hit her hard. The majority of the team were comforting her, leaving Rachel and Nat alone.

"You did so well Rach, so so well. There will be a next time. But first we're going to win the fucking Olympics and the Euros. And don't forget about the She Believes." She was trying to comfort her as she wasn't as torn up as the others. Yes it hurt, but she wasn't on the pitch. She had been sitting in the stands. It didn't cut as deep.

"Not well enough. What if Phil doesn't call me up anymore? I played so awfully."

"He'd be stupid not to Rachel. You are a star, and you did not play awfully. You played amazingly alright? Do you want me to call Kristie?"

"No! No.. she's probably, probably speaking to Sam and congratulating her. Besides, we decided to- to take a break before the world cup" Rachel whispered, her voice cracking halfway through her sentence.

"Oh.. I, i'm sorry to here that. Is there anything I can do to help you right now, do you want me to go find Millie?"

"There is one thing you can do for me. I've been meaning to ask you all tournament." Rachel sniffled, wiping her eyes slightly.

"Of course! What is it?"

"This." Rachel closed the gap between them and finally they kissed.

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