Chapter 16-Epilogue

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*Mae's point of view*

I hurriedly stride through the corridors of the Berg, my cheek still tingling from where (Y/n) had slapped me, I can't believe that she had done that. I can't believe she had gone and lashed out at me because of this.

Eventually, I reached Chancellor Paige's quarters. Taking a deep breath, I raised my fists and rapped lightly on the door.

"Come in!" Chancellor Paige called from inside. 

Gently opening the door, I am met with the heavily scented smell of lavender perfume. Paige was sitting at her desk, her hands clasped tightly together and her forehead resting on her thumbs.

"The perfume was a gift from my mother." Chancellor Paige explained, "I was given it when I was twenty-four."

"Chancellor Paige, what is so special about me?" I asked, ignoring her explanation of the perfume. "Why am I so special to WCKD?".

The Chancellor hesistated as though she was unsure wheter to tell me the truth or not.

"Mae, we went through this loads of times." Chancellor Paige explained, "Your special to WCKD because your brain could partly reject the swipe, your memories were still intact." 

"That is why you are special." the Chancellor slowly rose from her seat and began to aprroach me, "That is why you and Teresa are helping us find a cure."

"You are going to save the world Mae." Ava smiled.

Clenching my jaw, I gave the woman a small nod as a smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth.

I was going to save the world even if it meant hurting my friends along the way.

"We'll be arriving at our destination soon." Ava added, "And then we can begin our journey to the Last City."

Oh this going to be fun.


And just like that, this book has come to a close!

Thank you to everyone that stuck with this book, everyone that commented and voted on each chapter!.

I'm super excited to begin writing the third and final book of this series, details of the book should be coming out soon.

The WIRED interview should be published within the next few days as I'm currently creating the manip :}

Book 3 should be published very soon, so look out for that and I hope you will all join me as (Y/n)'s journey comes to a close.

Thank you so so so much for the support on this book!

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