[14] evil fathers and evil minds

Start from the beginning

"This is it." Rowena said as Simon and Clary embraced each other. Rowena ran her fingers over the books pages and read a few lines of the text. She had come across this book a few times in her life and was glad they had finally found it.

"You did it!" Simon said to Clary as they hugged.

Their hug was interrupted and Rowena was brought out of her trance when Izzy showed up at the door. "We gotta go. He's here." She said.

Clary grabbed the book as the three ran out of the room, following Izzy, "Let's go." Clary said.

"Come on."

The four ran towards the entrance hall of the apartment but stopped when they saw a glowing purple portal in place of the door to leave. They stared as Valentine stepped out.

"Clarissa!" Valentine started as some of his goons followed him out of the portal and the portal closed up, "So good to see you again. You too Rowena." He smiled at her and she growled lowly, before Valentine turned back towards Clary, "Where's your brother?"

Clary held the book in her arms, standing protectively in front of her friends, "You think I'd tell you?"

Valentine moved closer to Clary, "You won't have to."

"Stay away from her!" Simon yelled as he jumped on Valentine but he was easily dropped to the floor, Valentine's seraph blade pointed at him. He started to Strike but Izzy yelled out to Simon as she wrapped her whip around Valentine's wrist forcing him backwards. Valentine pulled on his wrist sending Izzy to the ground.

Rowena couldn't stop herself as her demon side broke free from its hold and released a fire that nobody in the room had ever seen before. Her eyes glowed and Rowena's angel side was forced back, the evil taking control. She held the fire above her as it formed into two long ropes going to grab Valentine. She was about to grab him but Jace ran into the room.

"Stop! This time you're not getting away." He yelled, distracting everyone as Rowena's angel side pushed out, the fire went down and her wings pushed out of her back. Everyone in the room watched as Rowena's sides fought for control over her body. While she was weak, Valentine's men grabbed her as well as Izzy and Simon.

Valentine looked away from Rowena and focused his attention on Jace, "Finally ready to kill your own father?"

"You abandoned me." Jace said, his blade pointed at Valentine.

"I was protecting you. You weren't ready then, but you've grown. You've become the warrior I've trained you to be."

"You trained me well."

"And yet, I still have so much to teach you. I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me, and watch your friends die." Valentine uttered, the condescending tone in his voice growing.

Rowena's whole body ached as her wing retracted. She used her remaining energy to keep herself standing and all she could do was witness the scene in front of her. More of Valentine's men came into the room holding Alec and Magnus. Magnus looked over at Rowena whose face had paled. He frowned, yearning to help her.

"See, you are strong, but they make you weak." Valentine said to Jace.

Clary interrupted, horrified at the scene in front of her, "Let us go. You can have the book. We won't be able to stop you without it."

Valentine turned to face Clary, "Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother; willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but... the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually. It's fated." He said, Clary's face contorted. She was disgusted at the man she had come to know was her father. He turned around to face Jace, "You ready?"

Jace lowered his seraph blade, "If I go with you, promise me you won't hurt them." He said.

"You have my word."

Clary looked between the two, "This is insane." She said, looking at Jace for any sort of indication that this wasn't going to happen.

"I'm sorry, Clary." He replied.

A tear slipped from Clary's eye, "Jace, what are you doing? You can't be serious! Valentine is wrong. You're not like him. I'm not. You're not!" She cried, more tears falling from her eyes.

"You don't know that, Clary. You don't know that."

Valentine looked at Jace with a demented sense of pride as he yelled to his men, "Let them go." His men released Alec, Izzy, Magnus, Simon and Rowena, who fell from the man's arms onto the floor. She coughed and her breathing got heavier as her eyes slowly started to close. Both Simon and Magnus went immediately to Rowena, Magnus using his magic to restore some of her energy.

Izzy moved forward towards Jace but he held his blade up towards her, "Get back, get back." He yelled as Valentine and his men open up a portal, "Alec, I mean it." He said.

"Jace." Clary yelled as a final attempt to get him to stay but Valentine's men went through the portal with Valentine himself following after he took Jace by the arm and pulled him through. "Jace."

Clary pushed the book towards Izzy and ran towards Jace but Alec stopped her, holding her in his arms. "What are you doing?" She cried.

Clary pushed Alec away from her but he kept his stare on her, "Saving your life. If you enter a Portal not knowing where you're going, you'll be stuck in limbo forever." He answered. The portal faded away and Clary sobbed falling back into Alec's arms, who held her close.

In the other corner, Rowena's eyes finally closed and everything went black.

"Morning, Sunshine." Magnus said as Rowena groaned and moved in the bed she was in. She moved to rub her eyes to see that Simon, Clary, Izzy and Alec were in there too.

"What happened?" She asked as she started to sit up but a sharp pain went through her back and she winced, falling back into her previous position on the bed.

Magnus sat on the bedside, "You performed some sort of magic that I've never seen you or anyone else perform before. It took a lot out of you and you fainted. You've damaged your shoulder blades too." He said.

Rowena looked at him in confusion, "They're not healing?" She asked.

"They are just very slowly. Whatever you did, it had some serious implications." Izzy replied, pulling a screen around to show Rowena the scans of her back.

Magnus patted her hand before moving off the bed, "You will be okay, but I have to go and wake Jocelyn up now."

"Okay." Rowena stated. "Good luck."

They all started to leave except for Simon who hung back, "I'll stay with her." He said, "Come get me when she's awake."

"You didn't have to babysit me, Simon." Rowena stated, "Jocelyn is like a mom to you, don't you want to see her?"

Simon moved to sit on the bedside, "Yeah but she'll be fine. You're the one in pain."

Rowena smiled, "Thank you. It means a lot."

"Do you know what you did?" Simon asked, "You know when you almost killed Valentine?"

Rowena's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, she searched her memory, "I don't know. I wasn't in control. Something inside of me was and it was angry. It was like when I grabbed Camille but worse."

A/N: Hey, sorry for not updating yesterday. I was so busy! Hope you enjoy the chapter though! Also thank you so much for 500+ reads! It means so much to me,

Luv u xxxx

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