Family Reunion

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          Living amongst the stars was always a sight to see. Usually, Eliza would sit by a window to gaze across the black sea and smile. Yet, in these past few weeks, she would stare into the glistening inky abyss and only sees death with her own soon to join the unfortunate souls who have perished before her. The Princess fate was signed and sealed. To bide the time, she would converse with Octavia as there existed an unknown vent between the two rooms. But Octavia wasnt there today; her monthly review was today.

          When Eliza stepped into her cell for the first time, she scanned the format of her residence. On the West wall, contained a lavatory with a burgundy criss-cross patterned screen separating it from the sleeping cove, which had a dreadfully harsh mattress along with a pillow. Along the North wall, was the back of the bed with a flat shelf beside it, on to the East wall held a small writing desk with vent underneath. When the Guard realised Eliza wasnt going to be a threat to them or herself, so the Skybox Warden permitted the Morretti heir to make her cell homely.

           Abby retrieved Elizas thin dark linen Emerald blanket from the widowed Lyanna Morretti who resided in the familys chamber on the Ark. Eliza resourcefully utilised a hidden metal cord above the bed, creating a makeshift alcove room; segregating it from the remainder of the cell. It was sufficiently better for when Abby came for appointments considering the guards had to be in the cell. Ridiculously unnecessary, if you'd ask Eliza.

          On her mattress were two soft grey pillows and placed against the North wall; one was larger so she could lay with her back raised and the other was smaller. On the hip levelled shelf held the Morretti girls treasured collection of first edition leather bounded books from the old world, from the poetry of Greek mythology to Gothic novels of horror and urban myths.

          On the East, border held the hidden vent underneath the desk, with Eliza mainly educating the brunette on the Italian tongue. Octavia was Elizas saving grace in this hell-hole, the sole element that kept the Princess solace and remain her sanity. There was a likelihood the babe was to be raised within these four walls. If Eliza could decide she would let O and her family raise the baby along with the father, if he would somehow be alive, that is.

          Unexpectedly, the racket of a key in the door alarmed Eliza, Abby wasnt usually this early? The door unlocked, exposing three fully armed guards, with one carrying a black case, instinctively, Eliza put a hand on her abdomen to protect her hidden cargo. Quickly realising they were her brothers; Elijah, Kol and Kaleb. The brothers looked over their shoulders carefully surveying there surroundings but more so to see if the door had completely closed, allowing the family some privacy away from the Arks watchful eye, Eliza immediately seized the brothers into an embrace that almost took them all off their feet, they chuckled at her act of affection. Still, the brothers all held a tight hold onto the girl, wanting to salver the moment as long as they could.

          Elijah was the oldest of the bunch; his square jaw was prominent in his features along with his dark brown hair; his slender yet athletic physique made his guard uniform fitted flawlessly. Kol was the second eldest; his too had dark brown yet dishevelled hair framing his complexion, his chocolate brown eyes held a paradox of mystery, lore and a taste for blood. Lastly stood Kaleb; his golden-brown hair styled in his signature style, his checky smirk implied mischief and childishness. Yet his eyes held the same story as Kol, anger and a thirst for blood. The two brothers were the jesters of the family, both resembled Jekyll and Hyde, controlled in their manner yet crazed and insane like Hyde. When Marco remarried, the three boys were welcomed into the fold; the Morretti head unofficially adopted the boys, they didnt crave to be from the same bloodline, as they were kin either way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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