being loved?

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Classic p.o.v

As I woke up I felt warm, I look up to see blueberry hugging me he was hugging me pretty tight. I tried to get out of his hug since he is hug lover.. ok some minutes later I finally get out of his hug.

I was going downstairs since red room was in the upstairs.
I noticed it was only 5 am well that is ok to me, I always awake in this time..

I go to the living room to watch some mettaton shows.

*°•Minutes later•°*

I was got bored of it so why not listen some music. I turn on my phone (yes they have phone so don't get confused) so I  decide sing along with it why not?, I go to outside so.. why not I was just in front of door now let's play it.

(Yep he don't use headset so he only play it without it =}) I finished singing well that is good to hear '~' *sigh*.

Wait.. "*clap* *clap**clap*!" I turn around ro see them all fully awake clapping.. they all have smile no.. a big smile.

I felt my mouth are controlling me like it want me to smile.

I smile seeing them like that clapping and smiling.

"That was good classic!" The other said, "you had a good voice!" They said I felt crying not sad but Happy tears. I get stand and run to them and hug I wasn't now crying blood from this time.

"Thank you guys!" I said smiling.

We finished hugging, ink said he gonna make a break fast. Since it was now morning I nodded and go to the living room, but I felt I'm being watched by someone. I turn around to see...

Blueberry I go to him and said "Ya need something buddy?" "Err can I sit with you in the living room?" He said, I just nodded, and go to him and take his hand and we go to the living room, I go to sit in the couch even blueberry sit next to me but hugging me,I then know what to do "hey blue ya know we should watch some movie with other sans, sounds good?" I said, he's eye sparked when I said movie yes we can watch movie since the tv was really big, "REALLY?!" He said, i nodded and said "you can say it to the other sans because it will be tonight" "SURE" he said very excited he stopped hugging me and he run off and say it to all the sans..

"THEY ALL SAID YES SANS I'M SO SO EXCITED!" He said, i just giggle in his childish act, he blush a little of it which make me stop and tilted my head to side means I was very curious of it, he blushed more seeing me like this then I remember I was still in my comfy jacket which make me blush, I just shrug it off who cares it was very comfy.

"Guys breakfast is ready!!" Ink shouted which make me go to kitchen seeing pancake as a breakfast I just smiled and sit in the chair which I'm next to blue and ink the others are now going in here, they are now all here and we eat the pancake, my eyes had some hearth and stars which means I love it and it was good I just smiled and continue eating.

We all finished eating I thank ink, he got confused in my eyes and question me like "classic what happen to your eyes?" It make me embarrassed and blushed I just said "it mean I love the pancake which means really good" I said.

We all finished eating I thank ink, he got confused in my eyes and question me like "classic what happen to your eyes?" It make me embarrassed and blushed I just said "it mean I love the pancake which means really good" I said

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(Forget the rose)I run off and jump to blue who was sitting in the couch. I hug him and got into akward position.his hands were into my back while I rest my head to his non-exist breast and my hands are in his back. Oh well gotta sleep..

Black Hearth (Au Sanses x Classic Sans) [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now