he landed on the landscape, almost taking a step back.


She was standing there, laughing to herself as her scythe raised up and he heard a scream, and then dust floated by.


he let out a shaky breath at the voice.

It sounded pain-filled and so insane it almost reached Dust's level.

"DIe die die die! JUST... die?"

She seemed confused as she turned around, eye-widening as her normal purple pupil flickered between said color and blood red.

"Guys? What are you doing here? You can't see-" She started, but a familiar, but cold, voice rang out.

Nightmare turned around to see Dream, his arrow out and ready to shoot at the demon he admitted to himself that he cared for.

"U-Under! S-stop!"

Blue took a step forward, making tears stream out of her eyes as he stared at a mangled demon body.

"Why... Why did you do this?"

The Sanses disappeared, and three angels showed up, making her gasp and drop her scythe on the floor.

Obviously, they meant a whole lot to her for her to let down her guard.

"M-Mom? D-dad? V-V?"

Nightmare blinked.

These were her parents?

The mom looked cold and distant, as the father. The 15-ish-year-old had a large smirk on his face as he held a bloody knife.

"I should have left you dead where you stood. I am the only reason you exist, bitch. You shouldn't have killed me."

The mother spoke up.

"You mistake. No wonder we chopped your disgusting wings off."

Nightmare sucked a deeper breath in as the father spoke in a rumbling tone.

"You disgraced the whole angel and demon race."

"M-Mother! F-father! P-"

They faded away, and another Nightmare showed up, making the real one take a step back and stare at his counterpart, which had the worst hate he had other than his brother.

"You REALLY think anyone would love you, BITCH? HAH. I can't believe I even agreed to join this stupid 'friendship'."

Under was silent, just staring at him with blank eyes, fading in and out of grey and purple and red.

"N-Night, I-"

"Save it, you little BITCH. You killed your own best friend and you think you can get forgiveness. Hell, you killed your own BROTHER. I am disgusted with you. Whore."

Nightmare was surprised about how genuine that sounded.

Under was shaking as another massive wave of people came rushing in.

She swiped with her hand and killed them all instantly, surprising Nightmare.

"I really should stop-"

"Stop living? Yes, you REALLY should."

Nightmare stared at the bodies, and mumbled, "Check."


Level 100,000.

LOVE- 10,093,080 

(I'm guessing at this point XD)

his smile faltered as he stared at them.

it couldn't be real.

Killed her best friend.

Killed an army.

Killed her brother.

Probably her parents.

It sent shivers up his spine, and he teleported outside the nightmare, shaking visibly.

It couldn't be.

Was that power level really Under?

It couldn't be...

he crushed the ball holding Under's dream, making sure she woke up before exiting the dreamscape.

6:30 in the morning.

it couldn't be possible.

under couldn't be that strong.

under couldn't have done those things.

she could've...

she did.

That setting was a flashback, he knew it by heart.

Did she really...

It made tears prick his eyes as he landed on the carpet of her room.

She was gasping for air, sitting up in her bed and crying.

Her eyes were flicking in between grey, purple, and red for some reason, and she seemed unsure of herself.

She wiped her eye and met hers with Nightmare, smiling slightly.

"H-Heya, Night. Sorry, did I wake you up again?"

He sat on the bed in front of her wordlessly, making Under's smile falter.

He hugged her tightly.

She hugged back.

"Sshhhh... It's fine... let it out...."

She started crying again, clutching his hoodie and burying her face in his chest, leaning on him for support.

He just patted her back, one lone tear slipping down his face as he whispered out soft, meaningless words.


Hey guys, girls, and trans buddies! Did you like that? Should I just focus on the Sanses and not UnderMare? Tell me your thoughts, even if they are hurtful! I could use the tips! Good night, day, or afternoon!


Ask and Dare the Sanses!!! (And Me- )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora