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I stared at the wall all day long. The bare white wall was old and chipped. Bits of white paint was peeling off the wall and falling to the cold metal floor. Darkness enclosed me, reaching to the very depths of my soul.

My stomach growled, The last time i'd eaten was yesterday morning. Cold salty tears dropped down my face, reaching the ground with a splash. The hunger was unbearable.

I slowly lifted my frozen hands to the chipped wall. My hands ran over the words that had been there for more than eternity, or so it seemed
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It had been there way beofre I came to this place, I still didnt know what it meant. Every time the nurses came in, i hid it. It felt like a secret that only I knew about.

A loud clang woke me up from my daydream. I watched as a tray was shoved through the bars of the door. The mouldy cabbage with stale bread dropped to the ground.

I stood up slowly and walked towards the door to inspect the food. I devoured the bread and the cabbage ignoring the horrible taste. Within 5 minutes I had finished eating.

Only 2 more days I thought, Two more days until I get a taste of freedom.
Once every 4 years, we get to go outside, it feels like hours even though it only lasts for minuets. I longed for the sun to shine on my back, I wanted to breathe fresh air, I wanted to get out of here.
Soon, we shall leave
I froze. I've never heard voices in my head, never, not once
I frantically looked around the room, trying to find a person. Someone who would clarify that I want going even more insane than I already was.
The noises were back again.
I sighed, my yelids felt heavy, Heaviver and heavier they went until I could no longer see the cold cement wall when I looked up.
A loud banging sound awoke me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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