Chapter 1

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The picture above is drawn by me, and that what he looks like, except he should look younger, I just suck at drawing young people.:)

Four years later

"Dirty street rat"

"Where are his parents"

"Poor kid"

God won't they just shut up, I got stuff to do.

Here you can see a young boy that looks six, but actually is eight. At the moment you see him with a bag walking the streets, now this same boy is Izuku Miydoria.

Usally kids his age would be off playing or be at school complaining about how boring it is; but no this kid is a broker for information.

He's a street rat he has to get money some how, and he has morals so stealing is out of the picture-

"Shit I'm going to be late."

With that he takes off sprinting, being agile he was able to move his way around the streets without any unwanted confrontation.

Izuku pauses in front of worn out house, and then strides forward, and walks through the gate of the chain fence.

Face the face with the door he knocks
. .  --- ---

It open with a creek, and a young man stands there. He was about 5'5, spikey red hair with black steaks, and deep blue eyes that could scare anyone off, expect Izuku.


Once Izuku caught sight of the red head he gave him a hug. Now your probably wondering why a villain in a alternate universe is here, (see what I did there) well he's a vigilante.

Dabi ran away from home, and he stumbled upon Izuku, they've been close ever sense. Izuku had also changed the vigilante's mind on joining the league of villain.
Though that's not really important right now.

"Deku, come the lady is pissed"

"Eh don't really care, hasn't been the first time I've been late and it won't be my last. She needs me, I'm the best broker  in the business."

"*Sigh* I can't even argue cause you right, just hurry your ass up before she makes it my fault."

Izuku walks in looking nonchalant, walking up a pair of stairs and down a hall he sees a door. Unlike the first door he saw he didn't knocked, he  just barged in.

"Deku, your fucking late, again you're lucky I don't strangle you."

As you can see the lady was seething in anger;the said woman was  quite beautiful, with kinky curly hair and coal black eyes and tan skin to go along with the picture, but her pretty face was married with a sneer at the moment."

"Like you would kill, me now do you want the information or not."

"Give it to me you damn brat!"

With a sigh he pulls out a manila folder, and slides it across her desk.
Her eyes flicker across the papers, taking in all that was presented to her.
"Good job," and then throws a sack of money.

5,506.70 yen.
His job was done here, right as he was about to pivot his foot, she speaks up,
"I want you to do a mission for me, you need money, I need information and leads-"

"Wasn't what I gave you enough-"

"It was, but I need more and the heros need more. Don't you want to be a hero,? then go on my mission."

"You know damn well that I am not a vigilante, I'm a broker I get information and give to who ever is most reliable or pays the best. Doing missions isn't my line of work"

He was trying to keep a cool head, but damn was it hard. He didn't want
On his hands,
Not again.
"Why me, I'm a child that has no experience, what would I get out of this whole ordeal"

"I know that you're exceptional in combat and battle strategies, not only that but your a broker. You know what to look for in information, and it may have the people what cause that day."

Usally you couldn't sway him with silly words that hold no meaning, but the last part was so tempting.
He had to, lord knows when another opportunity like this would come along.
"Fine I'm in, what's the mission."
"I want to to join the newer villain group, the one the only league of villains."

Are you serious-
She pulled out a few papers and slide them over the desk like how previous action.

"Here's the base info and every-"

"I already have all the information I need about the place, it's you know kinda my job," he says with a eyebrow twitch.
"Go to Dabi to get your gear, you're not going to the base looking like that."


He makes a turn a leaves the room and makes his way down the stairs.
And if you look listen hard enough you could hear the faint,
"Damn Kaeru."
"Sup Dabi, the damn lady said you would have my gear, any idea about it?"

"Yeah come here"

He the proceeded to go down the hall to great another door way, Dabi opened it with a twist of the handle. He walked on the storage room, and grabbed a box. He gave it to him, motioning to the bathroom for him to get changed.
After changing he takes a look in the mirror, on his face was a black sick mask with a thicker material; black cargo pants that held knifes, tasers and other useful items. To top it all off he wore a grew hoodie, with black sneakers.

With a sigh he put his hair in a ponytail and put in black contacts, then gave Dabi a hug before leaving
God he hopes this doesn't turn out bad.
But you knows life has a way of fucking things up.
And boy was he right.
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I liked my last one better but I hope this one was still good. I hope y'all have a great day, and thanks for reading. Love y'all, and
go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!

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