-...a Little bit longer-

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*i want to apologise, i didn't mean copy anyone but i really worried about Tay and his lack of sleeping so yes i was inspired to "winteam novel" and about that anyone should read it, It Is really cute*

-Ehi did you see Nong New ?-

Tay was at this event with Newwiee but It passed a while and he couldn't find him anywhere.

-I saw him to go to the toilet a while ago P- a friend answered to him.

-Oh ok ... - he smiled to his friend and keeping talking with others people, but he couldn't concentrate anymore on the conversation.

His eyes wandered around constantly looking for Hin.

"Why he didn't came back?" He asked himself and he started to worry.

-If you could excuse me i'll be returned in a moment- he said walking away from his friends.

He went to the bathroom and called him loudly.

-Hin are you in there? - he asked.

-Are you sick? Are You got diarrea?-

A Door opened and an hand dragged him on the toilet.

The click of the lock resound in Tay's hears behind his back.

Tay looked his Hin in the eyes.

He seemed perfectly fine.

The smiled on Newwiee face was so shine, Tay blinked his eyes and something moved in his guts.

-it was about time! I'll been waiting you for almost an hour - said New pouting.

-what are you doing here? How can i know you was waiting me ...- he started to yelled to him.

-Shhhh - New put a finger on Tay's lips- you lower your voice.- he said, moving his entire body closer to Tay and he made Tay gulped.

-What are you doing here?- Tawan asked again with a scold look, pretending to be totally indifferent to that physical contact.

-i'll Just waiting for you- New said staring his eyes and add confident - I knew that you would come to find me... i didn't know you took so long... but i was pretty sure you came for me ....- he wispered in his ears adding

-You always do it- .

-You pretty sure , eh... - said Tay annoyed.

New rested his head on Tay shoulder, looking away and whispered so soft that Tay could barely hear his voice.

-i missed you-

New rarely said something nice or sweet to him so Tay worried again.

-we are together all the time ...are you really okey?- he asked with a soft voice.

-mmm...- New said without convinction.

-... it's me ...i know you ...tell me what's wrong. Your sweet tone gives me goosebumps ... I'am so scared right now -

A smile bumped on Hin's lips.

-I'am Just a Little stressed...for work-

-is it about the new movie?- Tay asked smiled to him.

-and you ? How are you? are you fine?- New asked changed subjects.

-i'll Just have a Little trouble to sleep but I'am fine don't worry about me-

-Come on, you come with me...- Tay said taking New's hand in his hand. - People are waiting us we have to go.- he was about to open the door but New blooking him and he put both his hands on Tay face kissing him deeply.

-Please Tee- he said looking him with teary eyes- let's stay here, i Just want you only for me ... a little bit longer ....- he begged.

Tay felt his heart shaking in his chest, "fuck you stupid giant Polar bear, how could i resist" he thought.

He put his hand on his neck and kissed him back.

He pushed his tongue inside New mouth, New aswered to his Kiss with equally passion, his hands rushed to the bottons of Tay shirt, he get down with his lips on tay's dark skin.

Tay closed his eyes and let him do whatever he wanted.

New licked his skin and sucked his nipples, after that his hand unbuckled the belt of Tay's pants.

-are you in hurry?- asked Tay smiling meanwhile his breath become more heavy.

-I told you... - New said meanwhile his lips returned on Tawan's lips and his tongue desperate searching Tay's tongue.

-I missed you-

Tay tighted the grip on Newwiee's back and with one hand he come down on Hin's ass under his pants, his hand slipped under his boxer and squeeze Hin's skin hard and pushing their hips closer to each others.

They kept kissing each other holding breath.

Tee moved the elastic of New's boxer and grabbed Hin's erection beetween his hands and Newwie doing the same thing.

They started to move their hands at the same rhytm.

Their moans filled the bathroom, their heavy breathing started to going faster and faster.

They looking each others in the eyes and then smiled, they found their lips again.

They came in each others hands.

-We are totally insane someone could here us...- said Tay against the wall meanwhile his breath became regular again.

-you should control yourself better then this you are not an animal- Newwiee scoulded him with a smart smile on his face.

-I ? I should...- Tay started to protest- you are unbeliveble...do you know?... - he walked out to the bathroom and washed his hands. New did the same. They adjusted their clothes.

They looking in the mirror for a while until Tay deeply sighed -We have to go - he looked at New.

-mmm - Hin said and his eyes were sad again.

-Tonight we can sleep together- Tay said he kissed New's cheeck and running out of the bathroom.

They didn't talked to each others for the rest of the day.

When the night came around 2 p.m. Newwiee heard someone knocked to his door, he knew very well Who he was at the door.

Tay came inside Newwiee's room.

They went to bed without saying a word, New turned off the light.

Tay came more close to him, in the dark Hin could felt Tee's breath on his own skin.

-Are you ok? - Tee asked him again.

-Now... i'am- New said and Tay smiled lighting up the darkness. He searched New's eyes in the dark.

-Hin ...- Tay said softly.


-Can you hug me?-

New laughed.

Tay get up to the bed - i was wrong coming here- he said upset and he was about to leave but New hugged him tighted.

-You do not go anywhere...you can't leave me-

New kissed his lips.

-You can sleep tonight...-he said tighed his hug - i got you-

Tee closed his eyes, Newwiee's warm arms around him made him feel safe, his breathing started to become regular and he fell asleep without realizing It and he finally sleept all night like a baby.

*Maybe they are a Little bit too cheesy than usual... i know, I'am Sorry, but i Need It 🤣*

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