Mini time skip

y/n pov

You and Midoriya come to a stop outside of class 1-A, letting go of his hand you push open the oversized door and walk in. Once you step inside you see there are already students inside talking and laughing, you even see Bakugou getting yelled at by that one glasses dude from the entrance exam. But one face in particular stands out to you, leaving midoriya who was already being bombarded with people you make your way over to the familiar tailed-boy.

'Morning Ojiro!' you place a hand on his shoulder.

'Good morning y/n, nice to see you again' he smiles up at you a small blush dusting his cheeks.

(you and Ojiro had hung out a couple times over the summer unknown to midoriya)

Mini deku pov

Argh! I can't believe she's talking to that Ojiro guy.

What makes him so special?!

She got hurt because of him!

He'll regret trying to take away my love, my angel......

Back to you

you were about to introduce your self to the other people in the room when a disembodied voice interrupted you.

'Alright it took eight seconds for you to shut up that's not gonna work! If your only here to make friends then you may as well just leave now.' a scruffy looking man in a large yellow sleeping bag emerged from behind a desk.

'I'm Aizawa I'll be your teacher.' he monotoned.

Jeez he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks, like seriously does he live in that thing!? 

(reffering to the sleeping bag)

He then proceeded to tell you all to get your P.E uniforms and meet him outside on the field. You walk out to the changing rooms with the other girls and quickly start making friends.

"So what's your quirk y/n, kero" asked a green haired girl you think her name was tsuyu.

"oh, it's called 'Call of the wild', basically I can harness the spirit and abilities of any animal and to a certain extent their appearance."

"Wow that's so cool, no wonder you have such cute ears and tail!." A pink bubbly female by the name of Mina chips in.

"heh! Ya I guess but if I overuse it I get severe headaches and my muscles will cramp up and get sore."

"I have a bad backlash too if I use my zero gravity on myself I start to feel nauseous." Uraraka nods in understanding.

After you had changed you went to stand with the others. A few moments later you felt a hand on your shoulder, it was midoriya he was smiling like usual but something

'It's probably nothing, maybe he's just nervous about using his quirk'

(midoriya had told you he was a late bloomer and his quirk had only begun to show during the holidays.)

'Alright were gonna start with the ball throw." Aizawa calls up Bakugou and asks him to demonstrate.


'He really hasn't changed at all since middle school' you sweatdrop

" oh ya I forgot to mention, last place gets expelled"


After that Aizawa has you all do a number of fitness tests with your quirks. Your called up for the hundred meter race, you take your position next to a guy with yellow hair with a black marking.

"Hey there cutie, what say you if I win you let me take you to dinner huh?" he winks at you flirtatiously.

'ugh, I saw this guy chatting up jirou like 2 minutes ago. Is he really that much of a playboy?'

"You'll have to try beat me first" you flash him a grin before summoning your cheetah spirit. The blonde stares at you for a moment taking in your new appearance.

As soon as the gun fires you take off leaving him standing there open mouthed.

" 3.01 seconds, impressive." Aizawa reads out.

The rest of the tests go by smoothly enough but by the time the results are in your head is starting to hurt and you can feel your muscles twinge.

You turn your gaze up to the board and see you got fifth place.

'that's a good starting place, I can work with that'

But your heart sinks when you see that Midoriya came last. You take his hand and try to comfort him.

"Don't worry Izu, t-they can't really expel you."
He nods his head and grips back onto you.

"Oh um, the whole expelling thing was just a ruse, to get you more into things!" Aizawa calls over shoulder as he walks away.

You giggle as Midoriya practically faints with relief.

*Time skip to after you go back to class*

Once you step inside class people start to question you further about your quirk. The girls start to gush about how cute your ears were while one guy with tape dispensers for elbows asked you if you could use your quirk for extinct animals like dinosaurs!

"huh? You know sero, I've never thought about that. Maybe I should test it out." you laugh

At that comment Iida came over and started to lecture you.

"L/n I must implore you please do not use the powers of jurassic beasts while you are indoors. The damage you could cause to this great building would be extraordinary!!"

All the while he did his karate chop thing.

"haha! Don't worry Iida I don't plan on going all T-Rex on you guys!"

While everybody was laughing at the thought of dinosaurs running around UA Midoriya was watching you from a corner, having returned from recovery girls office. A deep frown etched on his usually cheery face.

Deku pov

Why do they all get her attention, am I not enough?

Its only natural that she's so popular though. I mean how could you not instantly fall in love with her....

Not that I want anyone else to love her only I can!

Deciding that I had had enough of my y/n being stolen away from me I march over and suggest that I walk her home.

She smiles at me and accepts, I take ahold of her hand and lead her out of the classroom before anyone else could steal away more of our time.

Soon we won't have to worry about people getting in the way. It'll just be you and me, my precious love....

I hug her goodbye and make my way down the street. I have to go home to get changed, then I'll be back to watch over my darling. I think I might sleep with her again tonight, it's easier than you think to pry open a window.

And she doesn't seem to mind when I hold her close or sometimes if I feel bold enough to kiss her on her cheek.

Oh y/n, if only you knew how much I truly love you....

                    Author note.                           

Heyyoo, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Idk how I feel about it I made it a little longer to make up for the last chapter being so short.

Thanks for reading
Love you all😘

Author chan❤️

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