Hide Can't Sleep

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A/N I promise you guys I'll resume my other stories really soon, I promise my main GumLee one is being written right now!!

Anyways, this chapter is rated M and it's summary is;

It's 3 a.m. and Hide can't fall asleep, but Kaneki finds a simple solution to help him.

Please let me know what you think!!


Hide groaned and sat up, the blanket pooling around his waist; it was 3 a.m., why couldn’t he sleep!? He drank an insanely large glass of warm milk and bowl of soup earlier in the night which always make him tired, so why wasn’t that working this time? “Hey Hide, why’re you awake?” Kaneki grumbled behind him, sliding his chilly arms around his waist, urging him to lie back down.


“I don’t know, I can’t sleep for some reason,” Hide huffed, turning around to face Kaneki, who’s eyes were barely open.


“Come lie down,” He urged, “I’ll kiss you if you do.”


“O-Oh, okay,” Hide felt his heart race a little and obviously couldn’t say no to such a great suggestion like that, so he eagerly laid down, facing his friend. Kaneki smiled a little, and leaned forward, placing a hand at either side of his face, and gently kissed Hide, which Hide had to admit, felt absolutely fantastic. He didn’t know how Kaneki did it, maybe it was a talent he was born with. But nonetheless he was glad he got stuck with such an awesome kisser.


Kaneki moved slowly, kissing the corner of his mouth and trailing down to his chin, paying great attention to each spot he kissed, giving tender care to each place he touch. Then with slow determination, he trailed his way to right below his ears, nibbling a little on the skin, “Kaneki, don’t you think it’s a little...late for this? Or early? Whichever one?”


Kaneki shook his head, his hair tickling Hide’s neck and muttered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Hide, I thought you liked me kissing you...”


Hide flushed a little and peeked at the snowy head of hair next to him, “O-Of course I do! I wasn’t saying I wasn’t! It’s just aren’t you a little too tired to be doing this?”


Kaneki laughed a little, “So typical of you Hide, caring about my health so much. How about instead, you let me take care of you for once?”


He shifted a little so he could more easily infiltrate Hide’s little warm bubble underneath the blanket, and quickly placed his icy fingers on the small of his back, making him shiver. “Dude your hands are really cold...” He grumbled, trying to move Kaneki’s roaming fingers.  


“You’re complaining again Hide...” Kaneki whispered, almost in a warning tone. He began kissing again, stopping for a moment as he sloppily began sucking and nibbling at the base of his neck, which he’s been incessantly teasing Hide about being his ‘sensitive spot’. Hide couldn’t refute the fact it really was sensitive though; it made him unearth such pathetic needy noises he didn’t even know he had in him.


After a few minutes of Hide making depraved and unearthly sounds, Kaneki decided to go up and move back to kissing him. Hide immediately noticed a taste he hadn’t paid attention to before; the distinct taste of dark coffee on Kaneki’s lips. He kind of liked it, the bitterness and warmth of it. He also figured it was probably a much better alternative to the only other thing he consumed...

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