Darth Vader x fem!reader

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((a/n: before we start I was watching a video on youtube called Vader's new girl (canon)-star wars comic explained by a YouTuber called Star wars theory and that's how I got the idea for this story. I believe the nurse in the story is unnamed so for the sake of story lets call her B))

you had heard about what happened to the nurse called B, she had seen Lord Vader without his helmet and it didn't end well with her. You remember seeing her body being taken away on a gurney. That was enough to scare you senseless, so when Tarkin told you to go deliver a holo-pad with the latest reports on the rebels to his room you physically felt the color leave your face as you nodded taking the holo-pad.

As you walk down the corridor, both your heart and mind race of what he would do to you if you so much as caught a glimpse of his face. You tried to not let it bother as you approached his room. you raised your fist and knocked on the door.

"Lord Vader," you said "Grand moff Tarkin has sent me with the reports you wanted"

"Enter" he replied

Sucking in a shaky breath, you opened the door and looked down as you walked to where he was. You could feel your knees shake as you walked towards him, your eyes still glued to the floor, only lifting your eyes occasionally to see where Vader's feet were to see if you were going to trip over anything. Once at his feet, your knees give out and you fell to your knees. You let out the breath you where holding in the whole time.

"H-here you are, Lord Vader" you stammered as you held the holo-pad out to him

He took it and looked at you, he liked you. you followed his rules. Keeping your eyes locked on the ground as you approached him. he let out a breath before reaching his hand out and placing it on your head, startling you slightly and making a small yelp come from you.

"look at me," he said and you obeyed 

you raised your head and your eyes were met with his helmet, thank goodness, you thought as you placed you now relaxed hands in your lap. Vader ruffled your hair slightly before he sat back.

"What's your name? he asked

"(y/n), sir" you replied

"I like you, (y/n)" Vader said "I would like it if you stayed with me for a while"

you smiled and nodded as you sat crossed-legged on the floor, and told him about the recent plans grand moff Tarking had for the next attack on the rebels. You soon realized you had nothing to worry about.

various star wars characters x reader + OC'SWhere stories live. Discover now