I loved the way nature was a constant process. I always felt like it was underappreciated.

"How are you able to function this early?" Lars whined from the kitchen, shuffling out from Myra's room.

"The power of coffee." I chuckled and sat on the couch with my legs crossed.

"What's that?" He suggested at the papers in my hand.

"It's a paycheck. My first one, actually."

"Oh, congratulations." He smiled and poured himself a cup of coffee. He was half-naked like all the other times he visited. And just like those times, he didn't seem to care.

"Thank you."

"I'm surprised they gave you a check, though. You'd think they'd do the payments online by now, you know?" He turned his head in my direction, but his eyes stayed glued to what he was doing.

"I don't know. I've never earned money before..."

"I guess it depends on where you work." He shrugged, filling a second cup.

"Maybe." I placed the papers on the wooden coffee table.

"Hey, Emma?" Lars put down everything and turned his body to look at me. There was a crease between his brows.


"I wanted to apologize to you."

"What for?"

"The night of the party. I've felt bad ever since. We shouldn't have forced you to come."

"You didn't force me to go. I chose to. I should have known better, that's all."

"That's the thing..." He sighed. "Aiden just..."

"It's okay, Lars, really." I smiled plainly at him, "Apology accepted."

He was relieved by the smile I gave him, and he nodded as if he understood.

"Okay. Good." He gave a crooked smile and then shuffled back into Myra's room with the two cups of coffee in his hands.

Meanwhile, I took the TV remote and began to flip through the channels until I landed on some cartoon show made for kids.

I spent the rest of the morning eating and napping and doing normal boring things. By the afternoon, Myra came over and told me to start getting ready to leave and head over to the frat house. I dressed up in sweatpants and an oversized jumper with converse shoes. It was the most comfortable outfit I owned and I swore by it, especially for a movie night.

On our way down to the car, Myra began a light conversation about the movies she was in the mood to watch. A few genres came up, one of them being horror, and I instantly shuddered at the thought of a jump scare.

Myra and Lars got in the front seats of the car and got in the back. I rested my head against the window and looked at the sunset beyond the buildings, not really paying much attention.

Lars plugged in his phone to the AUX cord and his heavy rock music connected to the stereo.

I was thankful that the drive wasn't long.

Within minutes, the car was breaking at the top of the driveway. Myra and Lars got out first to greet their friends who already at the door. I went in behind them trying to go by unseen.

The interior was exactly how I picture a frat house of boys to look. For the first time, I wasn't in a rush or overwhelmed by people so I was finally able to get a detailed look at their décor.

A few bookshelves surrounded the large flat-screen TV against the far back wall, no books in sight, however. On the opposite side of the room was the couch, soft and brown. Posters of bands and other things were hung up on any wall with enough space.

The Fate Of Broken HeartsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin