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"Mind your step please darling," said Joe helping his new wife onto the majestic looking ship. He looked at her, his eyes full of love and adventure as they were travelling across the Atlantic Ocean to New York. 

"I'm so excited Joseph," said Dianne. "Will we see dolphins in the water?"

He smiled at his wife's adorable childlike wonder. "If not, I can do a wonderful impression of one-"

"No! Please don't! I shall laugh loudly and we don't want to draw attention to ourselves," she said, smiling at her husband's ridiculous sense of humour. They shared a kiss before they were interrupted by one of the crew who took them to their cabin. 

"Joe!" gasped Dianne upon seeing their room. "You didn't tell me we were staying first class!"

"My friend who worked in the construction sorted it for me. I just wanted our first trip together as husband and wife to be special," he said looking at her with love in his eyes. 

"Thank you," she said quietly. "It's perfect, I love it." Joe kissed her lovingly. 

"Do you need some help with those?" asked Joe, seeing the servant struggling with their bags. 

"Oh it's fine sir," said the young man. 

Joe walked over to help anyway and the man thanked him gratefully. Dianne watched him and realised that one of the things that she loved most about Joe was his kindness towards everyone that he met. They definitely weren't the richest people on the ship but they were quite well off. Joe was a true gentleman and she couldn't be happier with her choice of husband. 


"You look so beautiful," said Joe looking at his wife. They were dressed to go for their second dinner on the ship. He knew that Dianne had felt a little insecure next to all the other fine ladies on the first night and he was doing his best to reassure her. 

"I just feel a bit overwhelmed," she whispered. Joe felt his heart break and instantly pulled her into his arms. 

"You are so much more stunning than any of those other women out there. You have a pure heart of gold and I am so lucky to have you," he said stroking her hair. Dianne smiled into his embrace. 

"I don't know why I feel like this. I would never want to sound like them so why would I want to look like them?" she said. 

"What do you mean 'sound' like?" he said curiously. 

"Oh you should hear the things they talk about! It's all dresses and parties and other insignificant things," said Dianne moodily. 

Joe laughed. "It's much the same with the men. All they talk about is how rich they all are and all the fine things that they'll do in New York and who'll win at poker,"

"I'll put up with the meaningless chat in first class for how comfortable the bed is though," said Dianne. "Hey-"

"No Dianne!" said Joe pre-emptively. "We can't skip dinner and just stay in bed all evening as much as I would like to,"

They both laughed and headed into the lion's den arm in arm. 


April 14th

Joe and Dianne watched the dying sun meet the sparkling blue of the Atlantic from the top deck of the Titanic.

"The view is so beautiful isn't it?" said Dianne dreamily. 

"Yeah it is," said Joe looking at his wife. She elbowed him and they continued to stroll down the deck. 

"What are we going to do in New York Joe?" she asked leaning her head on his shoulder. 

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