Chapter 1: Spring of the Dead

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She nodded and we went off. When we got to the roof, we looked out over the city. Just as I thought... There was fire and smoke rising everywhere. They were tearing the city apart, and it was only a matter of time till they destroyed the whole damn country...

"We've gotta do something fast..." Kairi said. "Let's head to the Faculty Building and see if we can find any other survivors."

I nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan, but let's hurry." We then ran down the stairs and back inside.

As we rounded a corner, Kairi ran into a zombie that was once a male student as she screamed, trying to break free of its grasp. I quickly whipped out my pistol and stuck it in its open mouth, pulling the trigger and blowing its brains out as it hit the ground. I helped Kairi up as she panted.


"Anything for my little sis." I winked as she smiled. We then continued to run through the halls, Kairi hitting zombies with her club as I shot them with my bow and arrow, grabbing my arrows after I killed each one, obviously...

It was then we ran into a boy, one who hadn't turned as he approached us. "Are you okay?" I asked the raven haired boy.

He nodded. "I'm still living, aren't I?"

"Touché." I smirked.

"Here." Kairi handed the boy her metal baseball bat. "Go for the head. I'm Kairi Ryo."

"And I'm her older sister, Yuka Ryo."

"Satoshi Nobu."

"We're heading for the Faculty Building to see if we can find anymore survivors." I explained as he nodded.

"Then let's hurry." He said as we continued running, until we heard a loud shriek.

I stopped as I gasped. "That came from the Faculty Building! Let's go!"

When we reached the Faculty Building, we weren't with a three, one of them drilling a zombie's head, the school nurse, and two boys. The girls all had long hair as the nurse was blonde with impossible looking boobs, a pink haired one with her hair in pigtails, a purple haired one, and a dirty blonde one with her hair in a half ponytail similar to mine, but smaller. One boy had short, brown hair while the other had jaw length, black hair and glasses, the pink haired one having glasses as well.

"I've the right!" Satoshi said.

"I'll help too!" Kairi said.

"Same here!" The brown haired boy said as the three took on the ones on the right.

"Which means I get the left." I said.

"So do I!" The dirty blonde one said as she bashed a zombie in the head with her metal staff that was from either a broom or a mop.

I held up my bow and arrow, quick drawing as I nailed two in the forehead in under a second.

"Ohh." The purple haired one looked interested before she used her wooden sword to kill off two zombies.

When all the zombies were killed off, we all stared at each other. "You two are impressive." The purple haired one said. "But you don't look like you're from our school..."

"We are, we just don't follow school uniform. I'm Yuka Ryo."

"And I'm Kairi Ryo, her younger sister, but only by a year."

"I'm Satoshi Nobu."

"I'm Saeko Busujima."

"Takashi Komuro."

"I'm Kotah Hirano, just saying."

"I'm Rei Miyamoto."

"And I'm...Saya Takagi..." The pink haired one said as she was on the floor, blood on her outfit, blood also on Rei's and the school nurse.

"And I'm sure you're familiar with the school nurse, Ms. Marikawa." Saeko said.

I nodded.

I then heard keys jingle as Ms. Shizuka held up keys to one of the field trip buses. "Let's hurry and if we see any other survivors, save them." Saeko said as we all nodded.

"Let's hurry." I said as we all went on our way.

We saved a few other kids that were trapped on the stair as both Kairi and I used our guns to blast the zombies before we headed for the bus. But when we reached it, that annoying teacher, Mr. Shido, and some more kids got on the bus. I sent Kairi to get on as I whipped out my gun and shot at some more to clear the way. When my clip was empty, I took my backpack off and shoved my bow in it before throwing it back over my shoulder and ejecting my empty mag. I threw it on the ground before reaching into my pocket and sliding in another.

I then heard the bus start up as Takashi stuck his head out the door. "Get in!"

I nodded, shoving my gun back in its holster as I swung myself into the bus, taking a seat near the front on the other side of my sister as I set my backpack next to me. It was then I looked over and saw Hirano staring at me like I was nuts.

"Something wrong?" I asked him.

"Sorry, but I just noticed you and Kairi both have military pistols and combat knives." He said.

"I'm an ex-military general and Kairi was my general in training."

"Wait, you mean you both were in the military?" Takashi asked.

"Affirmative." I answered. "Our parents died when I was seven and Kairi was six. Ever since then, the general took care of us as he became Sargent and I became general while Kairi was my general in training. But he sent us here to Japan two years ago because he wanted us to live a normal life." I explained.

I then reached into my backpack and took out a small carton, popping out a small, rolled up paper along with my crimson lighter as I lit the tip.

"YOU SHOULDN'T SMOKE!!!" Rei exclaimed as I stuffed the carton and lighter back into my bag.

I blew out a puff of smoke, looking up at her. "Settle down, Miyamoto, it's not an actual cigaret, it's black tea leaves, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, spices, honey, and sugar. It's a spice chai cigaret. I made them myself because they calm me down." I said, taking in a breath before blowing out another puff, stretching my legs out onto the seat in front of me.

"Hey, Yuka, can I have one?" Kairi asked.

I reached into my bag and tossed her one as she took out her royal blue lighter, popping the cigaret in her mouth as she lit it.

"So, Ms. Ryo..." Mr. Shido walked over to me as I looked up at him.


"You are experienced in combat and archery as I have noticed?"

"That's correct, why?"

"You just don't strike me as one to be skillful in such activities."

"Well good for you, you're wrong."

This is going to be a long ride...

Death Blade (A H.O.T.D. Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin