One stone fell loose, then another, tumbling to the ground with heavy thumps and clatters as they were tossed aside. With each one she dropped on the ground, more and more of the wall became visible. But only when Evelyn had heaved the last one aside, did she realize what had been concealed behind the mound of stone. "Everyone, come quick! I found a door!"

          The door, made of nearly-crumbling wood, sagged against the stone walls of the quarry. There were several holes gouged into the wood planks but even when she put her eye to them, the room beyond was too dark to see. But although a sturdy padlock kept her from getting inside, she was certain the four of them could smash through the rotting wood.

          "A door? In this place?" Evelyn gasped as Smidge shoved her aside.

          "It's sure to have something valuable inside. Let me at it!"

          But Trace hurriedly grabbed him by the shoulders. "Wait. What if it's a trap?"

          Evelyn sighed. And what if we spend the whole time arguing over it instead of just opening the door? "Wite, will you help me get this open?"

          Wite, who was standing nearby with the torch, nodded. "Sure. Here, hold this." He passed the torch to Smidge without even looking, and moved forward next to Evelyn. She grabbed a large rock while Wite heaved his shield, and together they slammed into the door. The wood creaked and groaned under the weight, and several boards clattered to the floor, but it still held.

          "One more time," she breathed.

          They rushed forward again with all of their might and the wood gave a violent shudder beneath them before crashing to the ground.

          Evelyn cried out as she was pitched forward over Wite and they both tumbled head first into the darkened room. Something collided with her head, and sent stars exploding across her vision as she crashed to the ground. Wite groaned from somewhere nearby.

          "Hey! Are you guys alright?" Trace rushed forward into the room, and the strong torchlight followed him, bathing the room in a flickering glow.

          Evelyn moaned from the pain pounding through her skull and weakly open her eyes.  

          A gaping evil grin and empty eye sockets met her the moment her surroundings came into focus and she screamed, scrambling backwards so quickly that she barreled into Wite, both crashing to the ground again.

          Trace and Smidge both yelled and jumped backwards, unsure of what had frightened her.

          Wite gripped her by the shoulders. "Evelyn! What the--?" He followed her terrified gaze to the mound of yellow bones scattered across the floor. Although several of the pieces were smashed from her landing on top of it, the disfigured skeleton still rested in an odd sitting position against the wooden table. It looked as if it had been stabbed and left there to rot.

          Evelyn shuddered. "I'm okay. I'm fine. Let go of me." She pushed Wite's protective grip off of her shoulders and stood. Her legs wobbled for a moment beneath her before she at last regained her balance. "It's just a skeleton guys. Sorry for frightening you."

          "Frightened?" Smidge gave a disgruntled snort. "Speak for yourself. I wasn't scared of any of this shit." He crossed his arms before storming into the room. Evelyn wasn't entirely sure of what he was looking for though.

          She had barely taken a step before Trace's voice echoed from further in the room. "Um… guys? I.. found something you might want to take a look at." The worry in his tone made Evelyn's heart race.

The Desolation of Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें