"And if he doesn't take her lightsaber?" General Sloane asked. "What then?"

"I will make sure of it." Kylo said and my jaw dropped. He was putting me in a situation where Snoke will try to kill me and I'd be constrained and weaponless. His idea was to leave me completely defenseless against the Supreme Leader.

"I don't like this idea." I said aggressively. "Who says he won't crush Poe or I into star dust the instant he sees us?"

"No one gets hurt." He said assuringly.

"How can you be sure?" Hux chimed in. There was no way for him to be sure of something like this.

"I don't see anyone else with a better idea." He said throwing his hands up.

"I think he's onto something." Poe said. My head snapped to him. "Listen I know I have zero opinion here, but what are our chances of getting this Snoke guy to approve of this mission?"

"Zero." I said well aware of this.

"What are our chances of Kylo's plan working?" He asked.

"Just about impossible, almost laughably impossible." I said laughing and shaking my head because this was ridiculous, he wasn't thinking.

"But you didn't say Zero." He said and I held eye contact with him for a moment with a displeased look on my face. He shrunk back a little and turned away to break our eye contact.

"If I can just get it in his hand." Kylo said desperately. "This can work."

"If you can't do this Ren the wars over. We can't win without her. You know she is our only hope against Apollo." Sloane said. "If this doesn't work this will fall on you for the rest of history."

"I know." He said standing up taller. "I wouldn't just put this on the table if I wasn't sure. I would put up someone I-

He felt silent for a moment. I could feel the words catch in his mouth and his eyes bolted to me. I watched carefully as he took a deep breath before continuing on with his statement. He was incredibly worked up and I could see his confidence shrinking.

"I wouldn't put up my apprentice if I wasn't not absolutely sure of myself." He said. "I've sat on this much longer than it may seem. I've felt a calling from the Force to do this. I know it has to be me, I know I am capable."

"We're all being put in danger here. The longer we sit around and wait to push through with this the more risk we run with Snoke finding out about this little uprising we have going on. With Snoke gone, the Supreme role falls to Kylo, which means we can proceed with our plans however we want." Hux said as he looked wary on what he was saying. "As much as I don't favor you Ren, seeing Snoke fall would mean a great shift in the Force to you two. With one less Force user means more power for you both. That could mean all the difference."

"I can't believe this is happening." I said hopping off the table and walking away from this madness.

"As much as I don't like this idea, this may be our only chance." General Sloane chimed in.

"So it's one against four." I said looking back at everyone. I was over this, I was being played as the bait in this stupid little game that had going on. If I was so important my life wouldn't be placed on the table like this.

"We'll call it three and a half." Poe said and no one else seemed to want to say anything.

I stormed out leaving the others. I wanted nothing more than to lock myself up in my room and be alone, but I was unfortunately without a personal living quarters. So I was left with no choice other than to make my way into Kylos living space.

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