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Ricky's POV:

Once we get back to the hotel, Tim gave us the rest of the day off. I quickly run back upstairs and walk into Liv's room, when I walked in I saw a heartbreaking scene.

Liv was trying to pack up but stopped to cry on her bed when she saw me, I quickly run to her and wrap her in my arms. I hold her tight while she cry's into my shoulder, I didn't know exactly what happened, but I knew she was hurting.

She pulled away and couldn't look into my eyes, I lifted her head up with my finger under her chin. "Liv... look at me, look at me, I'm right here" she then stares into my eyes and let's a tear flow down.

After what seems like forever of staring in silence, she leans her forehead on mine and gives me a small smile. Out of nowhere I kiss her on the cheek and she looks at me shocked, "I-I uh, I-I'm sor-" she stops me mid sentence and she kisses me on the lips.

I felt her soft warm lips crash onto mine, none of us pulled away and continued for awhile, it felt really nice to kiss Liv.... it just felt so right.

We both pulled away after awhile and rest on each other's forehead while smiling. After what seems like hours (realistically 1 minute) she continues to be sad and turns her smile into a frown.

I move into her bed and pat the soft covers, indicating her to come to me. She then moves her suitcase to the floor and comes next to me, I wrap her in my arms while she lays her head in the crook of my neck. We stay there for awhile and cuddle together in silence, she finally calms down after awhile.

I turn around to check the time and read 11:27 pm, I look down to see her dozing off. I kiss the top of her head and hold her closer, then let my eyes shut down to sleep.

The Next Day...
I woke up the next day realizing I was once again in Liv's bed, but she wasn't there. Her suitcase and all her belongings were gone, then that's when I realized.... she was gone.

I was kinda upset that she was gone, even though I knew she was coming back soon- it still felt weird without her around. After I was dressed and ready for the day, I went down to meet the rest of the cast in the lobby for breakfast.

As I came down I hear some of the cast talking about Liv, "I hope she's okay" Dara says "yeah, I wish I could help her" Sofia says back. I wonder if they know what happened? Did she tell them?

"hey guys.... what're you guys talking about?" I ask without making eye contact, "oh hey joshy, it's nothing- she paused, what's wrong?"
"Uh n-nothing, I'm fine but uh have you heard from Liv?" Julia quickly responds "oh uh yeah, she left early this morning but you were asleep and she didn't wanna wake up, but she told me to give you this..." she says handing me an envelope.

I look down and read "To Josh..." I didn't open it until I was alone so I chomped my breakfast down and quickly went back to my room. I sit against my headboard and take a deep breath in, I slowly open the envelope trying not to rip it.

Once I finally get it open I get nervous and pull out a folded piece of paper, I open up the paper and see a hand written note....

To Josh:
I decided to write you this letter and explain what's been going on... before I continue I just wanted to say, Thank you for always being there for me to make me laugh, smile, and for always caring about me. You've helped me through so much and I owe you big time, anyways I wanted to tell you what happened and why I've left salt lake, during the table read I received a devastating text from my aunt explaining my mom has been rushed to the hospital... she hasn't explained why which frustrated me and worried me to death. I just knew it was bad, and that night when you first slept over I felt a connection between us that I haven't felt before, I know it may sound weird but i started to feel different about us ever since we flew here. I wasn't sure if you felt the same way which is why I never mentioned it, and then last night when we kissed it felt right... it felt like we were meant to be together and I hope you feel the same way. There's something about you that always calms me and makes me feel safe, loved, and at home. When I woke up this morning I was sad to leave you but I knew I had to see my mom, I hope you understand and when you read this please text me when you can.
Love: Liv....

I was left speechless and didn't know how to react, I felt happy, excited, a bit confused, but mostly.... I felt that I was in love. I was a bit teary but that didn't matter, they were happy tears.

I quickly grab my phone and decide to call her instead, *ring ring ring* and on the fourth ring I hear the most beautiful voice in the world.

Liv: "Hey"

Me: "hi, I uh.. I read the letter"

Liv: "oh.. so uh w-what'd you um... think?"
I pause for a bit and take a deep breath in

Me: Liv, I feel the same way, and to be honest I feel like I've always had feelings for you ever since we sang that song for your audition. But I guess I finally realized how I felt when I saw you at the airport.

*She lets out a breath or air sounding relieved*

Liv: Joshua Bassett.... I have feelings for you and I really really like you, sooooo

Me: Olivia Rodrigo... I really really like you too and I have really strong feelings for you, And I know this is probably not the most special way to ask but I can't wait any longer....
Olivia Rodrigo when you get back into Salt Lake, would you like to go on a date with me?

Liv: Joshua Basset... of course! I would love to go on a date with you!
After a couple hours past, we end the call and I smile thinking about what......just happened. I then put the letter back into the envelope and place it on my bedside table, then begin heading back down to the lobby.

To Be Continued...
All characters belong too:
Disney + now
Word Count: 1155
Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter was all over the place, and this wasn't the best ending. I still hope you enjoy! And I've seen everyone's comments and I just want to say thank you so much and I appreciate you all a lot, sorry I haven't responded to any of them:( somehow it's not letting me reply atm so I apologize but I have seen them all so thank you again:) but please send in some inspo or ideas you want to see please and thank you<3

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