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Olivia's POV:
I sat at gate 38 waiting for some of the cast to arrive, Tim thought it would be easier if he booked all our flights together. A quarter of the cast was already there so it would just be the 8 of us flying Me, Josh, Sofia, Julia, Larry, Dara, Frankie, and, Joe.

I was just about to take a sip of water but stop when I see Sofia and Julia running towards me, I jump up excitedly and we all hug each other tight. "I missed you guys so much! You guys excited to start filming season 2?" I say with a big smile on my face, "We missed you too" Julia says "Hell yeah, I'm so excited to start season 2" Sofia says as we all laugh.

I head back to where my stuff sat, while Julia and Sofia followed behind with their belongings. "So what have you been up too?"
Sofia asks, "well lately I've been hanging with some of the others and writing like always" I chuckle "and by others you mean....Josh" Julia smirks and while nudging my arm.

I look at her saying "me and Josh aren't like that" while rolling my eyes, "you guys are perfect for each other" Sofia says. "It's never gonna happen" I say a bit frustrated, "What's never gonna happen?" Josh says from behind while tapping my shoulder. "N-nothing, it's nothing" I say with a small laugh.

45 minutes later everyone arrived and we began boarding the plane, once i got to my seat I look up to find Josh sitting at the window. He turns around and I stare at him thinking about what Julia and Sofia said, I snap out of my thoughts when i hear him say "I guess we're sitting together" "y-yeah" I chuckle while sitting down next to Josh.

Just as we start taking off I get a little nervous and Josh knows a have anxiety of flying, he grabs my hand "it's okay, I'm right here" he says while looking into my eyes and back down to our hands.

I smile at him and squeeze his hand, I begin zoning out as he looks back out the window.
Wow he's so caring and kind to me, his hand is so warm and comforting, and he looks really cute right now.

I stop zoning out as I realize what I was thinking about, what is happening, why am I thinking like this, I'm so confused. He turns to me and asks "you wanna watch a movie?" I respond saying "Yeah sure, what do you wanna watch?" He laughs looking a bit shy "Can we watch Frozen?!" I say excited. He laughed at my excitement but agreed.

We begin the movie and I look at him smiling... I realized he was staring at our hands so I rubbed my thumb against the back of his hand. He looked at me and smirked and we both looked back to the screen.

We started landing and a hear Josh trying to wake me up "wake up sleeping beauty" he whispers into my ear and chuckles. I open my eyes and realize I was laying on Josh's shoulder, I lift my head up in shock "oh s-sorry I didn't realize I was on you..." he interrupted me "Liv it's okay, calm down... it was actually kinda nice" I calm down as I see his little smile at me.

Once we got off the plane, we all gather together and leave as fast as we could. We split into two groups and take 2 cars to the hotel we were staying at, in the first car was Me, Sofia, Frankie, and Larry. Im the second car was the rest of the cast, we all pile into the car and head over.

On the long car ride to the hotel everyone kept asking about me and Josh, "I saw you guys holding hands the entire time" Julia says emphasizing the word "entire". Sofia jumps in with "yeah, and I saw you sleeping on his shoulder" they all smirk at me and just roll my eyes.

"Guys there's nothing going on between us, believe me we're not like that... we're just best friends" I say "mhm, okay" Frankie says sarcastically.

After another hour we finally make it too the hotel and we were greeted at the door by Tim. We all hugged and talked together, we finally went inside and Tim gave us our key cards.

He took us up too our rooms, and me and Josh were next to each other which I was pretty happy about. We all unpacked and refreshed ourselves, but when I was putting my clothes away I saw a weird door. I never had that door when I was here last time, I opened the door to fine another door. When I opened both doors, I was shocked to what I saw.

I find a weird long bathroom leading to another door, I head towards the other end and open the door to Joshua's bedroom. I accidentally walk into Josh changing his shirt, he turned around and jumped when he saw saw me.

"oh uh s-sorry I- umm, uh" I stutter trying to find the right words to say, "liv, i-it's okay you just scared me a bit, but how'd you get in here?" He says interrupting me while looking confused. "I- I uh, found a door leading to your room, b-but I didn't know it would lead me here..." I pause "I- I'm sorry, I'll just go"

I quickly leave shutting the doors behind me looking as red as a tomato. I'm so embarrassed I think to myself while my head in my hands, ugh but he looked really goo- I stop myself realizing what I was thinking. Liv stop thinking of him like that, we're never gonna be like that.

I head to the bathroom and splash my face trying to calm down, afterwards I head to my bed and play on my keyboard. As I start playing random notes and ended up writing a new song.

As I continue singing the song I hear the door connecting from me and Josh begin to open. I look up from the keyboard to see Josh standing there, looking at me in awe. We stare into each other's eyes, "why're looking at me like that?" I say laughing.

"No reason, I- uh.. I heard you singing from next door and you sounded really good" i smile and say thank you. An awkward silence occurred, so i began talking again "I'm really sorry again, for walking in on you" he immediately responds "Liv I promise, it's okay and it was nobody's fault so you don't need to apologize"

He comes closer and sits at the edge of my bed, we finally drop the topic and start hanging out like usual. We laughed and talked for awhile, whiteout realizing we ended up cuddling while watching a movie. Half way through the movie we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

To Be Continued...
All characters belong too:
Disney + now
Word Count: 1195
Thank you for reading
{ Just For A Moment }
This was my first ever time writing a story so please bear with me and I hope you all enjoyed reading, if you would like please send in some ideas or some things you would like too see in this story:)

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