Chapter 35

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The next morning, I woke up to Dom playing with my hair and humming softly. I smiled as I listen to the tune. When Dom realises I'm awake, he leans down and kisses my head. "Good morning, handsome." I moan with content. "Morning..." I yawn as I cuddle into him more as he chuckles.

It turns out I ended up falling back asleep. Oops. I only know this because Dom keeps tickling my nose with a feather or something. "Love, c'mon... Wake upppp..." Dom whines.

I moan and try to move away, waffling my hand to get the thing away from me. I wince as I open my eyes but luckily Dom moved to block the light blinding me. I soon feel the tickling on my nose again as Dom leans down and rubs my nose with his hair.

I giggle as I look up at him and he smiles, his green eyes staring back into my own.

Dom shook his head again causing his hair to brush over my nose for the third time. I could smell his minty breath as he kisses my nose and then my lips and all over my face, which means he's been up and come back to wake me up... Again.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask as I finally come too. "About an hour or so." He shrugs. I hum, nodding.

"Am I okay to get a bath?... I feel gross." I groan. Dom laughs and climbs off me.

I grab some clean clothes and boxers before kissing Dom and heading into his simple bathroom. I shut the door and run the water.

I climb in and sit under the running water from the showerhead, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my head on my knees. I felt awful.

I must have been in here a while because next thing I know, I hear a knock on the door. "Babe?" Dom calls.

When I don't respond, he walks in and pulls the shower curtain across slightly. "What you doing, love?"

"Letting the steam help with my headache." I mutter. He hums and drops the curtain back. Next thing I know, Dom opens the curtain again behind me and the water stopped hitting my body as Dom climbed in behind me, his legs either side of me.

He moves his body closer to mine as he wraps his wet arms around me with his chest pressed against my back. He traces every part of my skin that he can reach.

Slowly, he started to gently rock our bodies and Dom started humming again just like before, except between my shoulder blades rather than in an open room.

I could stay here forever.

By now he was completely drenched. The water that ran from his head, slides down my back and over my shoulders to meet back with his clasped arms. His humming, the warm water, and the slow constant movement of our bodies began to make me sleepy again. Dom noticed this and chuckled against my skin.

"Come on, love." He murmurs, lips soft against my neck before he pulls away and climbs out of the bathtub.

Slowly, I sit up and stretch my body which clearly needed doing by the cracking sounds that echoed around the bathroom.

The warm and comforting shower came to a stop and I whine. "Hey," Dom smirks and runs a hand through my wet hair to get the excess water out, squeezing softly. "Come on, baby," he cups my cheek and kisses my forehead. "time to get out." He holds his hand out for me and I grab it as I stand up and carefully climb out.

Dom was already dressed in some joggers. He had hold of a towel between his arms, spread out. I felt a little bit like a baby at Bath time but I didn't mind completely.

He wraps me up in the towel and carries me into the bedroom. "I can walk you know?" Dom shushes me and kisses the tip of my nose as he sets me down on the bed.

He then helps me to dress and gives me some water and some tablets. Which I gratefully accepted and took.

For the rest of the day, we hung out with his family. We played games, went out for a walk in these beautiful woods near his house and I even helped his mum with cooking a huge ass roast dinner. Which apparently is a British tradition? It was yummy either way. Yorkshire puddings are top notch in case you were wondering.

It was blissful and I really enjoyed being here with Dom and his family.

Nothing could ruin this now. Life was finally feeling more and more complete as time went on.

I'll say it again.

Nothing could ruin this life for me.

At least so I thought.

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