"Christina targeted Letha naturally because Letha was a Godfrey. Letha was also carrying a baby Godfrey. If Letha were to die, then her baby would've died with her. As for you, Christina was jealous. Her parents apparently were always comparing her to you, wanting her to be more like you. Then when news of our engagement emerged in the papers, Christina's parents began obsessing over our wedding, wondering if they were on the guest list to attend or not. It all drove Christina crazy to the point of where she kept hearing about it so much that, Christina Wendell herself began harboring hate for you; without getting to know you on a personal level. I know you hate that I made the decision for you not to go to the church with me, but I wasn't going to take any chances with the vargulf running around going after random people. I'm glad I didn't risk it. Had you died in that church that fateful night, I...I...I don't know what I would've done," Roman said keeping the fact that Alyse would've came back from the dead as a upir hidden from her. "I can't lose you Alyse. You're my everything. That and the day that you ran away, Olivia said some very hurtful things. She said that I would never get you back. I have to prove to Olivia that I am capable of making you happy. Please don't prove Olivia right."

"What choice do I get in the matter anyway? You're freaking Roman Godfrey. If you wanted to, you could not only keep me from renting or purchasing a home of my own, but you could also prevent me from being hired by anyone in Hemlock Grove. People here would do anything to keep in your good graces, Roman! So whatever game you're playing at, you can stop now, because it's pointless," Alyse snapped at Roman before hearing a disgusted scoff from behind her, causing Alyse to turn around. As soon as she did, Alyse spotted an old woman standing there. "Is there something I can do for you? If not, then go back to whatever it is that you were doing before you stopped to poke your nose in a situation that does not concern you."

"When you are in this house, and you speak to the owner of this house in a disrespectful manner, then it does become my business. You should be grateful enough to be able to set foot in his house; while he's going through a difficult time. The owner of this house not only lost his cousin, and her unborn child, but his fiancé also disappeared shortly after learning of his cousin's death. But you don't care one bit about that do you? Oh now you don't. All you care about is lying on your back and making your money off of a poor young man, who is in a vulnerable state right now. Shame on you," Anna screamed.

"Anna! Enough of the insults. Is that truly anyway to talk to the soon to be Mrs. Godfrey," Roman asked.

"But what about Alyse Stormnight? Surely you haven't gone and given up on her? What would your mother say if she were to hear about this," Anna asked.

"First of all, it doesn't matter what Olivia says. I'm in charge of the white tower now. Secondly you will apologize to this young lady, because the woman that you were so kind to mouth off to is Alyse Stormnight. Yes I managed to find her and bring her back home to where she truly belongs. Now if you value your job here, I strongly suggest that you say sorry to her right now," Roman snapped.

Anna turned from Roman to face Alyse. "I'm terribly sorry for the way I have spoken to you. Do you think you can find it within your heart to forgive me and my stupidity?"

"Of course I can find it within myself to forgive you," Alyse said while approaching Anna, pulling her into a hug. "I also have it within me to get back at you for how you spoke to me. Know that I will repay you for that." Alyse then pushed Anna away before walking away from her.

Anna turned to look at Roman, wondering if he was going to do anything about what he saw. "Are you sure you want to go and marry a wicked woman like that? Because that is not the Alyse I remember. That Alyse that you brought home is pure evil."

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now