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"The Broccoli"

"You don't force people to move on, same as you don't force someone to eat when they're already full"

"You know what the secret to living a happy life. Stop worrying about things that you have no control over."

"You know what they say... When people grow, they grow apart"

"I'll meet her when it's time. I'm not rushing into anything. Im thinking of this (time) as me working on myself. Para kapag kilala ko na siya, mas maayos na akong tao"

"Falling in love is scary in itself. No matter who you fell in love with, it's scary because you're making yourself vulnerable"

"Living a life of 'what if' will suck more, Joey. Do you always want to wake up, wondering what could've happened if only you tried?"

"Point here is, life is short. Live it. You'd never really know when's the last time you'll breath, so just live."

"You just have to appreciate what you have, Joey. Every person in your life,every thing you got. Because really, you'll never know when's the last time you'll get to see it, to talk to that person. Life's just unpredictable, you know? So you just got to seize every chance."

"I just know that life is short, so why bother thinking about the sucky things that I can't change?"

"Life's unfair to everybody, so in a way, it's still fair."

"Screw what everyone thinks. If you know you worked for it, then who cares what anyone thinks, right?"

"I'm their captain, but you're my captain."

"When you finally find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you'll do anything to keep her. So, don't expect me not to feel jealous, Joey, because I can't. I just realize that I'm possessive. I won't back down when it comes to you. I'll fight until I can't anymore."

"What's wrong with struggling? Doesn't that mean that you want it so bad that you do everything to make it happen? You make it sound like trying is a bad thing."

"Joey, there's nothing wrong with working your ass off for something that you badly wanted. You wanna know what's wrong? Giving up without even trying. That's what's wrong."

Story: Almost, But Not Quite

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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