To someone I LOVE

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I've been thinking of you always. The fact that you are someone most people would love to have, there is a little chance for you to notice me.

person like you, deserves a lot in this world, and it is sad to say I cannot fill it for you.

just one look from you can make my day, but who am I to look at  anyway.

I may be crazy to think there's a chance for us someday, but who cares this is what i wish everyday.

The moment I close my eyes, all I see is your beautiful smile, in the morning as I stretch my arms the thought of you fuels my heart to start my day.

If GOD would hear my thoughts, he would be mad for all my wishes. Wishes to have you even if I know you wish for somebody else.

truth hurts but i can't be selfish, my wish to have you means keeping you away from the person you want to be with, and I cannot let that happen. I'd rather break my heart than break yours.

You don't have to worry about me.  the tears I shed was worth to finally see your smile again, maybe not with me but to someone you wanted to spend your life with.

after all it has never been a cry of defeat, it's all cry of victory from the heart that saved another heart from being broken. May the deity of love hear my thoughts and bless you with everlasting reason of happiness. I LOVE YOU my love, good bye.


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