little thoughts

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There was this little thoughts of you.

I didn't realize I was having it most of the time.

I hold into it like holding a pen whenever I write my favorite parts on essays.

It was obsessive as eating  cakes and ice cream.

If anybody else would know it, they'd probably think I'm crazy.

but I am not.

I am only admiring a piece of my dream. 

what they see is never a quarter of what I have.

what's stored in me.

what you are to me. 

Things shift, and will never go as planned.

but what I wanted, will always be what I wanted. 

not to be against all odds.

not to be what the society wants.

I am me, and I admire that too.

My feelings are deep. 

I never waste time for something that don't mean to me. 

I am young but reasonable.

I may hastily decide, illogically reside.

yet I value what I feel.

and if I value you,  I give you time.

and time mean so much to me. 


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