Beginne am Anfang

Shivaay got worried and wrapped his arm around her frame and pulled her closer to his chest. Anika burried her face in his chest while holding him close to her.

S- It's okay, Anika. I won't switch off the lights anymore. Calm down. Shh.. I'm here for you.

Anika nodded her head and calmed down a little.

Shivaay was caressing her hair and unknowingly, she drifted into sleep in his soothing embrace.

Shivaay didn't knew but he felt a pang of pain in his heart after looking at her condition. He knew that Anika was the strongest girl he has ever met but he also knew that there was a vulnerable Anika hidden inside her.

He covered her and himself with the blanket and he also drifted into sleep.

It was early morning when Anika stirred in her sleep

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It was early morning when Anika stirred in her sleep. She felt a strong grip on herself and frowned. She opened her eyes and saw Shivaay sleeping while holding her close to his chest.

A blush covered her cheeks and she smiled. A perfect morning for her to wake up in her beloved hubby's embrace.

She gently removed his hands from her waist in order to not to disturb his sleep. She slowly slipped out of the bed and closed the curtains of the window.

She smiled while looking at Shivaay and after admiring him to her heart's content, she went to the washroom to freshen up for the day.

After sometime, she came out of the washroom dressed up in a white tee and black denim shorts.

She saw Shivaay sleeping peacefully and a wicked idea came in her mind

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She saw Shivaay sleeping peacefully and a wicked idea came in her mind.

She set the alarm in hers and his phone and in the clock as well of exactly after 5 minutes.

Anika smirked and stood at the door to look at his reaction.

After 5 minutes, all the alarms started blaring and Shivaay woke up with a startle. He looked around and didn't found Anika in the room.

PACT OF LOVE ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt