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"I can't wait to show you where I grew up

Walk you 'round the foothills of my town

Probably feel like you've been there before

After hearing all the stories I've been telling you

For six months now"

Bennett had come over to my house many times before we started to date, but my parents treated him no different when we started to date. However, it still didn't soothe my nerves when I first hear the bell ring - causing me to do a quick sweep of my room and the hall on my way down to the door. I had been cleaning obsessively for about a week, something I didn't really picture myself ever doing.

"We'll probably have to sleep in separate bedrooms

Pack a shirt for church because we'll go

I'm not trying to scare you off but

I just thought that we should talk a few things out

Before we hit the road"

It reminded me slightly of the first time the boys ever come over, Jordans nervous jokes and Declens increased temper as well as Bennetts more icy collectiveness and shockingly good manners. I had tried to soothe their nerves by describing my wounds as giant children but my reassurance did very little to the gang members that are practically trembling at the thought of my parents.

The notion is enough to make anyone laugh.

"If I bring you home to mama

I guess I'd better warn ya

She falls in love a little faster than I do

And my dad will check your tires

Pour your whiskey over ice and

Take you fishing but pretend that he doesn't like you"

My mother had practically wept with happiness when I announced we were dating, hugging me and screaming in my ear that her 'baby Naomi is such a pretty young lady' and 'where did the years go' and my dad tries in vain to calm her whilst holding back his own tears because he's such a softie and then wrapping us both in a bear hug.

"Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine

But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine

My sisters gonna ask a million questions

Say anything she can to turn you red

And when you meet my high school friends

They'll buy you drinks and fill you in

On all the crazy nights I can't outlive"

I remember hiding my beet-red face in a fluffy pillow as Bennett and my mother gush over the many baby pictures my mother has dug out the bottom of her cupboard and my father telling as many embarrassing childhood stories as possible.

Bennett would laugh loudly as I let out embarrassing squeaks, but luckily he didn't resist as I pulled him from the room to preserve the leftover tatters of my dignity.

"So if I bring you home to mama

I guess I'd better warn ya

She falls in love a little faster than I do

And my dad will check your tires

Pour your whiskey over ice and

Buy you dinner but pretend that he don't like you"

My dad - being a giant kid - had always loved the idea of playing overprotective father so when he offers Bennett a beer I see the offer for the badly disguised test that it is. Bennett - being a true gentleman - immediately shakes his head no and politely declines. I let out a smile of relief and hug Bennetts arm, dragging him off to go to the Buffet.

"Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine

But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine

If I bring you home to mama

I guess I'd better warn ya

She feels every heartache I go through"

It has been a week since we last spoke, ever since Bennett had blown up at me and yelled at me to get out - seemingly not noticing my wet eyes and heartbroken expression. I had collapsed in my mother's arms as soon as I got home and simply sobbed in her arms for a good ten minutes.

"And if my dad sees me crying

He'll pour some whiskey over ice and

Tell a lie and say he never really liked you"

When my dad had got home he had taken one glance at me and my saddened mother and left to go to the shop to grab two large practical buckets of ben and jerry's ice cream and loads and loads of sweets.

"Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine

But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine

You'll be breaking more hearts than mine"

We curled up on the sofa and chomped through all of it, binge-watching movies until well past midnight. I felt slightly better afterwards, but the experience showed that if we did properly break up... would hurt more people than just me.

Bennomi One Shots!! (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now