Drunk days

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Naomi POV:

I had started to notice the signs of Bennetts clinginess about a year ago, an occasional arm around the shoulder, cosying up to me when drunk, and his constant hovering presence should have sunk in faster - but I guess I just ignored them.

It wasn't that it bothered me - in fact, I really liked it - but what I did eventually realise is that he gets clingy when nervous or upset.

And currently, he is both.

We are sat at a large solid oak table, which holds enough fancy food to feed a small army, and clad in smart clothing.

My dress is a pale blue colour - to match Bennetts tye - and rests just above my knees. It has a sweetheart neckline that is embroidered with jewels, their glinting surfaces matching my earrings, that are hanging delicately from my earlobes. Bennett is wearing the same designer suit as always, only the tie differing from his usual ensemble.

During the course of the dinner, Bennett had started to shuffle towards me - I remain uncertain as to whether it was a conscious action or not - but after about an hour or so mine and Bennetts chairs are a lot closer than at the start.

I almost jumped out of my skin when something soft but cold brushed my arm. I squeaked slightly, jumping away from the sensation. Bennett startled at the movement, having to lean over to stop me from falling off my chair.

The result is me being pressed against his chest, Bennetts hands gripping my waist, us both blushing Madly, and Bentley trying to keep a straight face.

He was failing.

After trying to ignore the burning in my cheeks for what seemed like hours, the heat finally dispersed.

It was a few moments later when the touch returned. Bennett was engaged in a heated argument - disguised by calm tones dripping venom - with his father, and it was obvious his full attention was on his father. I smiled wildly when I realised that this was a subconscious movement and that he was seeking my comfort without even realising.

I interlocked my fingers with his - being rewarded with a glance and smile - and settled for stroking small circles on the back of his hand with my thumb.

We managed to escape after 2 hours and quickly clambered into the back of Bentleys car - as that is what picked us up for the evening. However, instead of going for the opposite side as normal, Bennett fastened himself into the seat next to me. He was carefully kept in his own space, but I could hear the silent ask of permission in the words. I laid my head down onto his shoulder in clarification and settled down for a long journey.

I hadn't pictured Bennet as a clingy person, but I wasn't complaining.

Bennomi One Shots!! (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now