Chaeeun x Tanya

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I heard about new slaves that Daekan warriors have captured in Iark, but I wasn't curious and I didn't want to see them. That was cruel to treat like that innocent people. That was why I decided not to go there. I also had something to do, so I was busy anyway. 

I had to collect herbs to help my father, since he was one of the best doctors in whole Arthdal. I was interested in healing and helping people as well. Nobody deserved to be treated like an animal. Even animals had better life than slaves. 

I picked small leaves of herbs, putting them carefully in the pocket of my apron. The herb was really bitter, but effective. 

The sudden noise made my heart beat faster. Wild animals didn't come close and they were rarely found there. It also looked like it wasn't only a lost animal. Animals weren't that clumsy. Someone had to run I heard it well. But escaping person meant only one. Troubles. 

I stood up quickly, wanting immediately to come back home, since it wasn't the greatest idea to stay there, but the bushes next to me moved suddenly. I screamed, seeing someone's hand, so I covered fastly my mouth, trying to control trembling body. I had to calm down my racing heart. Someone needed my help so I couldn't just ignore it. I took a deep breath, kneeling down next to bushes. 

"Are you okay?" I asked silently, but I didn't receive the answer.

I peeked inside the bushes, freezing. There was a girl. She was barely conscious, with lots of scratches and bruisers on her body. I touched softly her red cheeks, feeling pain in my chest. Who did hurt her so cruelly? I saw her for the first time. Her dress looked quite different. Arthdal women didn't wear clothes like that. She had lots of tassels around her waist and leather belts. She also was really beautiful even though her face was full of fear and pain. She was scared, but I only wanted to help her. It looked like she was from a small tribe. There was something wild in her. She looked like a tigress, but a weak one. 

"You don't need to be afraid. I will help you" I said silently, not wanting to scared her more. My hands touched carefully her trembling shoulders. She slowly stood up, sitting on the ground. Sharp branches scratched her skin. She also looked as if she was beaten up. 

"Warriors..." she whispered, looking directly into my eyes. I frowned. 

"Are you from Iark?" I asked. She nodded. That was so terrible! She was one of the captured slaves from Iark. But how did she escape? There were lots of red marks around her ankles and wrists and also around her neck as well! 

I felt a single tear that raced slowly my cheek. She was so brave and I admired her courage. But she couldn't hide in the bushes. That wasn't the safest place. What if Daekan warriors were looking for her? I wanted to help her no matter what. 

"You are crying..." she said suddenly, frowning. I wiped tears quickly, forcing a smile. 

"Come with me. You are safe now" I assured her, touching her hand. Her fingers wrapped around mine. I stood up slowly, helping her do the same. Her legs were fragile and really weak, so I let her leaned against me. I knew that I wouldn't have let hurt her again. She suffered so much and I wanted to end her suffering. I wanted her to be a beautiful tigress again instead of scared and weak one. 

Fortunately, my father went with my mother and sister to the city, so I was alone for few days. I opened the door of our small house, getting inside. The girl was trembling and I heard her loud heartbeat. I helped her sit down on the bed. 

"You don't need to worry anymore. I will protect you" I said with smile on face. "I'm Chaeeun. What is your name?" I asked. She knew our language and it was relieving. I was able to understand her and we could talk easily. 

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