𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗵 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁..

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𝗖𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲'𝘀 𝗣𝗼𝘃

It's time for lunch and this whole time, me and my brother have been inseparable. He hasn't lef-

"Hey Quinn I'm going to go hang out with the Football players and shit."

"Can I come?"

"What? No!"

"So you want me to be alone for the rest of the day?"
He said yea and I sighed loudly and begged him. Finally he gave in and we started walking to the table...

It's 𝗵𝗶𝗺..

I awkwardly sat next to my brother as they stared at me.
"This your sister right?"
He nodded and looked at me.

"She's cute ig"

At that note the cheerleaders came and sit down...
One proceeded to sit on his lap and they made out for like 10 minutes not even kidding true story.

"Umm who is this bitch"
I just rolled my eyes and picked at my "food"

"Are you really going to eat that???"

"No dumbass and I would appreciate if you'd shut tf up"

"Wow potty mouth for such a ugly bitch"

"Okay? And this ugly bitch can fight so keep fucking talking slut"

I picked up and my phone and ordered chick fil-A. It came quick as usual.
They came and gave it to me and walked off.

I started eating quietly as they stared.

I swallowed and said "Please stare at someone else thanks."

So guess who decided to try out for this girls basketball team.
This 'ugly bitch'
I was always into basketball even played it for 6-10th grade but stopped because you know broke my ankle and wrist. Almost every athletes tragic story.

I could see she was still staring at me.

"You should try out for cheerleading." She proceeded to hand me a paper and a flyer.
"Tryouts are this Thursday, at 7o clock be there or whatever"

"Ok??" This random guy walked up and said "Really Cindy? She doesn't even look like cheerleader material."

My brother snarled and said
"Actually if you wanna know, she's been a cheerleader ever since 5th grade and won many trophies and also played lacrosse, basketball and soccer."

"Now please repeat what you just said"
The guy looked shocked and walked away with his hands in the air.

I looked up at her, "I guess I'll tryout."

She looked at her girls and laughed.
"I'm just joking no one wants a try hard on their team"

"Aww boohoo but no one wants to lose either, don't act, y'all haven't won a single game in years. Step up your game or continue being the worst team in the whole world. And like I said I'll tryout."

I winked and got up, tossing the keys to my bro .
I whispered for him to meet me at my room later on.
He nodded and continued chatting.

I can tell what kinda stunt she was going to pull. She wants me to go and embarrass myself. She only said that so she can make everyone look. I know exactly what's going to happen and I'm ready for it.

1 1/2 hrs later

"I'm here Quinn, what is it you want" My brother barged in.
I was getting ready to go this little dance thing.

Hot Girl BummerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora