The Wheel

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The day was warm, summer sun shining well on the South. Daenerys was going through her normal routine. She read through state papers and affixed her seal when necessary. It was an arduous task. The image of being Queen was tempting of course. To conquer, to be crowned but all those stories did not include paperwork. The only joys to brighten her day were her twins. They played together with their toys whilst occasionally learning at the feet of Missandei.

After going through what seemed like an infinite supply of documents, she set her quill down. Missandei turned to her, eyebrows quirked upwards. "Something bothering you, Your Grace?" Daenerys gave a small smile. "No dear friend. I just keep thinking." Daenerys muttered the last part. Her friend stood and her walked to her side, kneeling and taking her hand in hers. "This is no small matter to trouble your minds, Your Grace. Please do not hide it." Daenerys sighed. She turned to the bay her chambers overlooked. "I feel a great terror will descend upon whatever I have built upon. A terror that I cannot see but I feel it. A terror that will harm all those I love." The dragon Queen never felt so small.

Her close friend could only squeeze her hand in comfort. Still it did no good. Looking to her children, staring back at her in their childlike innocence, she never felt more fear than ever.


"Loose!" A whistling of arrows passed over the heads of the Unsullied as they marched forward in battle order. The foe they faced were a collection of brigands  and bandits alongside rogue hedge knights harassing the King's Road. The barrage of arrows whittled down their numbers but still they stood.

Grey Worm oversaw the battle from a nearby vantage point. His cavalry, horse guard regiments were to the flanks. They were beginning to surround the rogue force. "Halt!" He commanded the archers. He signaled to raise the black flag and for the military horn to be blown. The unsullied broke formation and charged whilst the horse guards broke through the opposing light infantry on the flanks. By the time the battle ended, he inspected the dead. Minor casualties but still they will be buried with honours. Turning to the dead foes, he took notice of their equipment.

Fine steel, well made padded leather and good quality arms in all. These could not be afforded by some group of bandits. He recalled that there were no major raids on trade routes or on the newly made fabricae or armory towns. These were an innovation he and the Queen came up with. Protected and fortified towns whose sole purpose was to produce weaponry for the royal army and navy. They were garrisoned well and fortified by stout walls. Raids would not be done easily.

Looking back at the enemy weapons, he knew that these were financed by an enemy of the Queen. There were no particular symbols, genetic weapons but too good for normal bandits and rogues to acquire.

"Gather these weapons and bring them back to the Capital. Bury the dead in an unmarked grave." He ordered and his subordinates saluted in confirmation.


It is something that remains unthinkable for him. To be Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. To be alive despite being a Lannister surprises him every waking morning. Daven Lannister, Lord of the Rock, is no fool though. He understands that this mercy by Daenerys Targaryen can only be rewarded with utmost loyalty and devotion to her dynasty. Fail to toe the line, and House Lannister will share the fate of House Reyne. Extinguished, forgotten and without legacy.

The past five years have not been easy. Commanding the loyalty of the Lannister army and ascending as Lannister Patriarch has given him legitimacy. Being a royally appointee and a guarantee the West will not burn helped that. The Serretts challenged his claim. They claim that with the senior line dead. They had the closest claim by some marriage between their Lords and a Lannister daughter. It was show down quick. The Queen and King flew to Casterly Rock with their dragons and set it straight. They denied the Serrett claim and reinforced his authority.

Immediately he married Alysanne Lefford, Lady of the Golden Tooth. This secured him finances and a strong power base. To secure his rule, his eldest boy Tywin betrothed to a Crakehall, his second born Leo will take up as Lord Lefford. Leo is betrothed to a Marbrand. His third born, his daughter Joanna named after his famous aunt, too young for any plans yet.

The Westerlands have shown great recovery following the Second Conquest. Fields are tilt and reaped, trade booms and mines are productive. He turns to his right, the silver haired and purple eyed oddity in his otherwise Andal court. Corlys Velaryon, a cadet branch of the main Velaryon line. Royally appointed Lord of Castamere. Daven is no fool. The Valyrian is meant to be Royal eyes and ears in the West. Already the man is the second richest in the West. He is married to a Farman. Despite his misgivings, Daven respected the man. He commanded the Lannister Fleet and never has it been stronger.

He kept the Lannister army garrisoned in Casterly Rock and Lannisport. Always ready in case the Lords decided to rebel. One thing he learned from the Old Lion was to always be vigilant. Alysanne Lefford, he married her out of desperation, but they were on good terms. She kept a strong spy network to keep and eye on the lords. He knew it was more out of need to secure her children's inheritance.

Should there ever be a rebellion, especially from those damned Serretts. He knows that he must emulate his uncle, Lord Tywin, and put those peacocks in their place.

His claws are long and sharp, and he will bloody them.


For too long has he stood aside and watch her rule. So close he has been yet still far from what is rightfully his. Red or Black, it matters little. The throne should be his. Not hers or anyone's. It was good of her to set aside the northern pup for him. One less claimant to what is his.

He will wait. He is patient and in the meantime he enjoys the summer sun. He will sharpen his blade and mind, he will plot and wait. He will strike when iron is hot and he will take his crown.

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