Narry Storan; Everywhere You Go.

Start from the beginning

From: Zee,

Don't be daft Ni, Remember what i told you? It works both ways trust me. Get some sleep and don't worry about it, Good luck, Talk soon x

After i finished reading all of their texts a small laugh managed to escape my mouth and i was just about to reply but when i checked the time i realised it would be around 1pm there and they probably had a meeting or something so i decided that i'd text them back later on when there was a chance they weren't busy. Realising i had absolutly nothing else to do for the next two hours whilst we were in the air i looked around the plane to see if there was anything i could do but instead i saw a girl sat on her own looking just as bored so i got up and went over to her. Nothing better than making a friend right before there's a chance of humiliating yourself.

Harry's P.O.V.

After spending all day sat around in my flat trying to find the slighest entertainment i finally gave up at around 2pm and decided to head into town and do a spot of shopping seen as though i was probably in need of some new furniture considering all the stuff in the apartment now had been left from the people before me and in the nicest way possible it was looking a bit like death had come to claim it. If i'd have known that when i arrived i'd be greeted with endless couples stopping in their tracks to give eachother the odd peck on the lips before carrying on back towards their homes or another of the many shops surrounding us i would have just stayed home.

Trying to erase all the hurt that made me dislike the scenes infront of me just brought me back to thinking about what Zayn told me a few weeks ago, 'Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you've never met... Simply impossible'. And the more i thought about the more i knew he was right, No matter how much he'd hurt me i could never forget Niall because he meant too much to me even after 8 months without him.

Realising i wouldn't be able to continue what i came here to do i turned around in the direction i'd origninally come from and started the 20 minute walk back to my apartment that was just outside of the city centre. Passing a few friends that i'd managed to make dure in the time i'd lived here and a few fans i gave them all a friendly wave before going back to my journey and i didn't stop until around 10 minutes later when i felt my phone vibrating in my pocket signalling i had a new text and when i opened the message i saw that it was from Louis.

From: BooBear.

Hey Harreh, Me and the boys have decided to send you a present because we miss you and according to the tracker it should have arrived some point today, We hope you love it. Talk soon Lou,Li, Zee xox

As i tried to think about what they could have sent me i could feel my eyebrows slowly furrowing together up to the point where i just gave up and decided that it would be something silly like all the other 'gifts' they'd decided to send me over the past 8 months. Deciding to let it go i put my phone back in my pocket and continued the walk but not before i put my music on meaning i couldn't hear anything from the outside world.

I'd been walking for a while now and i could see the end of my street come into sight so making a mental map of the directions in my head i placed my sight down to the ground and allowing myself to get lost in the rythm of the song 'Everywhere You Go', By Lawson then before i knew it i was finally back home and i was certainly not expecting that when i got nearer sitting on my stairs would be the one person that hadn't left my mind since the day i left.... Niall James Horan and i could tell by the look on his face that he was just as nervous about this as me.

Niall's P.O.V.

I watched him come down the street and i could tell by the way his head was bopping up and down in a sort of sequence that he had music on and hadn't seen me which gave me time to think my speech over at least once more even though i knew once i came face to face with him it would all vanish and become improvised. Seeing how he was closing the gap a lot quicker then i thought he would i started the mental countdown in my head.


His head slowly lifted from the ground and when his eyes locked onto mine i could only read one emotion straight from his face and that was nervousness which is why for a few minutes we just stayed where we were taking in the slightly changed appearence of the person infront of us not daring to say anything and just taking in what was happening.

"Hi Harry" I spoke in barely a whisper but i knew he'd heard me because his face changed and he suddenly unfroze from the daze.

"Niall, What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too" I joked and for a second i thought i saw a slight smile appear causing his dimples to unleash slightly but it was soon gone again and a look of pure seriousness returned causing a light sigh to escape my lips as i knew it was time for the speech like predicted i'd forgotten.

"I'm here because i wanted you to know everything i should have told you 8 months ago before i let you walk out of my life. I wanted you to know that even though i had no right to i missed you more than i've ever missed anyone in my life. I came to say that there hasn't been a day since you've been gone that you haven't been in my mind no matter how hard i tried to convince myself you'd moved on. I had to let you know that i understand why you left because i would have done the exact same, I was a cheating scumbag that didn't deserve you and it took you leaving to make me realise just how wrong i was and i haven't even looked at a person since you left because i was hell bent on getting you back, Just a shame it took Zayn and his wise sayings to get me on the plane here and to say all this.. Basically i still love you and always have."

We stayed in silence for a few more minutes before i saw a stray tear fall down his cheek as he took in the enormous speech i'd just given but as soon as it came he wiped it away and his face looked like a mixture of happines and heartbroken.

"I- I don't know what to say"

"Tell me if you still love me and if you've moved on then we can go from there" I answered and immediatly wished he'd give the answer i wanted which he did.

"Of course i still love you Niall! and no i haven't moved on. How could i when all i could think about was your blonde hair with matching blue eyes everytime i tried?"

Upon hearing that i couldn't help the smile that made itself present on my face so that if you looked there was no mistaking my happiness which in turn made Harry show the dimples i'd missed so much.

"Do you think that if you came home and i proved to you i've changed we could try again? Because i've missed knowing you were there everytime i woke up or when we watched a movie everyone would have someone to snuggle up to and that's when i realised the most just how much i'd lost."

His smile grew even bigger when i'd finished but his next sentence made mine match his to a tee.

"Come here you idiot!"

And with that i jumped up from the stairs and into his arms where we shared our first kiss in 8 months and it felt like the first time all over again and it was in that moment that i knew wherever he went my heart would always follow him because if it didn't it would never be the same again and right now i was the happiest man on the planet when Harry agreed to move back to England and return to One Direction and let's just say when we skyped the boys later that night they were looking forward to his return just like me.

Everything was the way it should have been in the first place.

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