Forgotten and Frost Bitten

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I wake up to cold mountain air and snow biting at all my exposed skin. I shiver as I sit up to find myself on the top of a mountain.
"Where am I? Who am I?" I asked out loud before a growl pulled me from my question and I looked forward to see a large wolf with gleaming silver eyes.
"Artemis?" I asked not knowing where that came from as the wolf transformed into a girl with dark hair and gleaming silver eyes like the light side of the moon.
"Good, your memory isn't as horrible as we all dreaded." The girl said.
"Am I in Twilight?" I asked still trying to wrap my mind around her detransforming from a wolf to a girl.
"What? No. You're in Baxter, Maine, at the top of Mount Katahdin." She said as I slowly nodded.
"Ok... I have a few questions. What is my name?" I asked.
"Ariannah Rosabella Marie Summers." She said.
"Why am I here?"
"You were put here by Gaia the Earth titan. She's threatened by your presence. You are the only thing standing in her way of victory. Only the adopted child of the Gods can destroy her victory. You are the adopted daughter of Zeus." She said.
"... oh... can I have something warmer to wear? I'm really cold." I shivered as she snapp her fingers and some warm clothes appeared on me.

" I shivered as she snapp her fingers and some warm clothes appeared on me

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"Anything else?" She asked.
"Where am I supposed to go to defeat her... it?" I asked.
"You must travel to California to find your soulmate, Percy Jackson. Once you find him, you have to kiss him to regain your memories." She said as her face wrinkled up in disgust.
"Ok, so how am I supposed to get to California from Maine?" I asked as she whistled and large wolves circled around us.
"They will take you across America all the way to Reno, Nevada. There, you will be on your own until you get to San Francisco. Good luck." She said before she dissapeared and the bag she gave me felt heavier then before. I looked inside to find 2 gallon bags full of gold coins, one gallon bag filled with US paper money, another bag filled with Canadian money, a bag full of beef jerky, a bag of what looked like golden cake bread stuff, and a water bottle filled with a golden liquid that kinda looks like a fancy apple juice. I took a piece of beef jerky and ate it before I followed the wolves to a den to sleep until dawn.

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