George wants to be that someone else, especially if Matty is serious about wanting to experiment more with men. If Matty was simply diving into sex with a plethora of girls to soothe his broken heart, George would step back and let him, just like he always does, but this is different.

Matty is questioning himself, and George remembers how awful that period of his life was, especially without someone he could trust to support him. George will never be able to live with himself if Matty gets with someone else that doesn't treat him right, that doesn't take things slow with him, that doesn't have Matty's best interests at heart instead of their own dick.

And yes - okay, George may have a very small crush of some sort on Matty, but it's nothing serious. He just thinks Matty is pretty, that's all, and of course he loves him, but not in that way. He's just always been slightly curious as to what it would like to have Matty's skinny body underneath his, to see his face as George buries himself inside him, but George has fantasized about friends before, it's a normal thing - isn't it?

But it seems as though George has already fucked up, no matter his good intentions. He isn't sure what he did to make Matty storm off like that, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. George's heart thuds painfully in his chest when he recalls the wild-eyed look of terror Matty had shot him when they finally pulled apart, and George knows that it will haunt him for some time to come.

George had tried to fix things, to make light of it all, to tease Matty like he usually does when things become awkward between them, even as his own lips were tingling and he had to physically stop himself from shoving Matty's mouth back against his, but it obviously hadn't worked. If Matty does decide to continue this, George will have to tread very carefully, which he is willing to do if Matty will only give him a second chance.

Getting tired of his own thoughts, George allows himself to head back into the main room, hoping to find Adam or Ross again, or maybe even Matty. It's late enough that he might be able to convince the older man to head home soon, if he lets George gets near him that is.

George turns his feet toward the couch, spying the back of Ross's head from across the crowded room, but when he closes the short distance between them, he is slightly surprised to see Matty as well as Adam who had previously been hidden from view. He assumed Matty would be off pouting somewhere, and although George isn't entirely ready to face his best friend yet, he can't deny the rush of relief that surges through his veins when he catches sight of him.

That only lasts for a moment though when it becomes apparent that Matty is beyond pissed, but he seems happy at least. He's curled up on the floor for some odd reason, probably because Adam is sprawled across half of the cushions on his stomach, watching Matty avidly as he tries to wrap something up in the jean jacket he stole from George, not that George minds. He actually likes how Matty is constantly borrowing his clothes, even though that doesn't stop him from grumbling about it to save face in front of his friend.

"Hey, there you are," George speaks loudly so his presence won't catch the older man off guard, but he still manages to make Matty jump slightly at the sound of his voice.

"George look," Matty exclaims, his lips pulling into a pout when George doesn't immediately turn his attention toward him, sending Adam a questioning glance instead which he doesn't seem to catch, even though he does receive a sigh from Ross that George interprets as a 'thank god you're here' sort of thing. "George..." Matty drawls, the one word slurring into a mess of syllables that barely sounds like his name anymore. "I found a puppy," Matty all but yells, cradling the dog close to his chest as George finally makes his way over to his side, now recognizing the bundle in his arms as an animal.

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