
Start from the beginning

Sebastian's heart jumps into the back of his throat and he spins around, taking a few steps back away from the person. Panic was clear in his eyes and the shaking was noticeable.

"Seb?" Chris says with confusion laced in his voice, shifting his gaze up and down Sebastian's shaking body.

Sebastian shy's away from Chris's touch, bowing his head to hide the bruise. "Don't." He squeaks, causing Chris to stop his movements and take a step back. "Please." Sebastian whispers.

"Look at me, Seb." Chris says softly. "Please."

Sebastian does as he's told, but doesn't meet Chris's gaze, wincing at the gasp that leaves his lips. "What the hell happened to you?!" Chris yells, eyes wide. He goes to grab Sebastian by the face, but Sebastian shoves his hands away, taking a few more steps back.

"N-nothing." He whispers, tears welling up in his eyes. His body wouldn't stop shaking. He didn't want Chris to touch him. He didn't want anyone to touch him. "I just— fell down the stairs at home." Sebastian lies. "The bruise will go away soon, doctor said so."

Chris sighs in relief, placing a hand over his heart. "Oh thank god it's not broken. How did you fall down the stairs?" He asks.

Sebastian's body relaxes slightly. "I— I was running up the stairs.. and.. just slipped. I was soaked."

"Be more careful next time," Chris says lightly, smiling. "I've been trying to text you all weekend. What else were you doing?"

Sebastian's mind shuts down, the shaking coming straight back, body tense. "I- I've gotta go—" he mumbles, not giving Chris time to respond as he bolts inside of the school.

He keeps running, even at hearing Chris's saddened voice calling for him to come back. He couldn't stop. Chris's smile was a reminder that Sebastian would never have that happiness. Chris trying to touch him was just another trigger to send him spiralling. Sebastian had already done enough to make it seem as though something awful had happened. Anything else could've meant endgame.

Sebastian turns his head and gazes over his shoulder. Chris was nowhere in sight. He sighs in relief and turns his head back around, only to come to a crashing halt into another student. They both yelp, Sebastian catching himself before he falls, clutching at his aching stomach, willing himself not to cry.

The other person was on the floor, holding the side of their head. Sebastian cups a hand over his mouth and curses under his breath. "I'm so sorry," he mumbles, the girl gazing up at him.

He reaches his hand out for her to take. She grabs it gratefully, pulling herself up on her feet. "It's okay." She chuckles, dusting herself off. "Just didn't think I'd get knocked off my feet on the first day."

Sebastian gasps. "Oh my god— it's your first day?" He asks. "That just makes what I did even worse."

The girl waves him off. "Dude, it's fine." She assures. "I'm Letitia by the way." Letitia extends her hand out to Sebastian, smiling warmly.

Sebastian gives a small smile and shakes Letitia's hand. "Sebastian."

"Well, Sebastian. I'm guessing you could help a girl out?"

Sebastian nods. "O-of course." He stammers, looking over his shoulder in fear of Chris having found him.

Letitia gives him a small look of confusion, then holds out her time table. "You wouldn't happen to know where this classroom is, would you?" She asks.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 ~ 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now