'The Second'

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This is a Tale about a family. Though not the whole Family. A Boy named Jack within this family. This family was great, to say the least. Yet never had time for 'The second' He is different, yet the same. What makes him different, and what makes him the same?

Jack is a rather normal boy, in a normal family. Not much exciting. He stays in his room most of the time, playing Games, talking to friends. Just the whole 'Teenage shananigans' it's very rare... Practically unusual to see Jack out of his room. Unless he needs a toilet, or food.

One slow, late night, Jack decides to call his friend, Zack, to see if he wanted to do something different tonight. As he goes to pick up the phone, he feels as if his every move is being recorded, like he is within a Tale. Though, that isn't to stop him. He calls Zack, and this is where it starts.

"Hey, Zack, my man!" Jack says Gleefully, as he sits on his chair. "Hello, Jack! What's with the calling?" Zack answered, confusingly, yet willing to listen. "I've been researching some places we could visit! One that is standing out is a Big House. Looks ran down. Apparently a Writer lives there. Though, the village is scared of this guy" Jack explains. Rather held back, Zack replies with "Yeah. I guess we would go have an explore. Though, where is it? And wh-" Before Zack could even finish his sentence, the call drops. Not knowing what had just happened, Zack tries to call Jack again. And again. And again, yet no answer.

Rather confused, Zack goes to bed. Not knowing what to expect the next morning, and if this is all just a big prank from Jack, as he is known for them. But why would he pull such, after seeming so interested in this house.

The next morning, Zack goes to Jacks house, to see if he is around. He knocks on the door, and his Mother answered "Hey, Zack!" The mother says, happily "what brings you here?". I explain to Jacks mother what had happened last night, and she looks confused, to say the least. She replies with "Jack has been upstairs the whole night, if you'd like to check!". As i make my way up stairs, i get a sudden urge to walk away. Though i kept going. I knock on Jacks door, but no one answers. So i let myself in. My eyes gaze straight towards Jack. He is sat at his desk, eyes ocupied by a book which rests ahead of him. The door behind me slams shut with such a force, it rattles the house. Jack turns towards me, slowly. I stand in shock to see Jack. Or if that even is jack.

His eyes are completely red and bloodshot. His hair is ripped and all over his hands. He has blood on his table. All i can recall from that night is him screaming "THE WRITER. HE DID THIS. HE IS PLAYING GAMES". I run as fast my legs can take me, and go home, hoping on what i saw was all a hoax. A few days later, Jacks family calls and tells me Jack as ran away. Where has Jack gone? Why has he ran away. Could this be the Writers doing?

Could this be THE END?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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