Part 11

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Arnav thought: Her mind is like sharp knife. Whatever happened is good. Now,  there is no barrier between me and my daughter. now she knew, I know everything about her. It's not a right place for words, let's move to office first.

At AR fashion house.
Harsh: why did you stopped her and argue with her, above all that you had hurt her. You did great mistake on your first day itself.

Sheetal : sir,  she was the one who started,  I just said wait till your meeting get over. She not even disclose her name. She tried to move towards ASR's cabine, so I just pulled her. That it's sir.
Aarav: that it,  if she is showing that attitude or right at ASR office, that means she is near to my dad.
Harsh: Sheetal, you are  mess with wrong person. My son could have fired one of our employee who just looked at princess but I was the one who stopped him. You crossed all your limit Sheetal.

His words got distrub with entry of arshi following by Arnav.
Arshi :Aman cancel today's meetings of Raizada and dadu. Dadu I am waiting in Raizada's cabin.

saying that she left from there leaving shocked Aman and Sheetal and worried Arnav and Harsh. After getting order from Arshi Aman looked at Arnav face to confirm it. and he got answer in positive.

Arnav: Aman how princess got hurt. ??

Harsh: beta,  our new receptionist stopped her from going towards your cabine when you was in meeting and when she pulled her back from step, Princess lost her balance and she fell.

Arnav: Whatttttt... What the hell,  who gave her permission to stop Princess. Aman where were you that time,  all this happened. You know very well she is how important for me and she have all the right in my life. Now I have important matter to deal with so make sure no one enter in my cabine till I call and I want to meet that new employee. So make sure she stay in office only.

Aman: yes sir.

Arnav: dad come with me and Aarav stay in office only, don't go school.

Harsh: what happened arnav,  you are looking worried,  Princess is okay right.

Arnav: come with me dad.

Harsh: okay.

All this time arnav didn't notice Sheetal who looking at Arnav like scared kitten with confusion about that teenage girl. .

Arnav Cabin.

Harsh and Arnav enter and looked at the figure who looking outside from cabine window. Arnav locked the door securely.

Arshi: why you did that Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada.? Why you made her fall in love with you,  when you dont had any feelings for her?  Her life was filled with many problems already, then why you added new problems in her life?  Why did you cheat her?  Arshi turn to face both shocked Raizadas.  and most important question why you used her like a tissue paper.?
Whyyyyyyyy..... I wanted answer for all this question. That is why I am here.

Harsh: Arnav what happening here. ??

Arnav : dad it's time for face off.

Arshi: I expected,  that you came to know my real identity soon.  you would be in confusion about, why I am here right?? Raizada, that also fake identity. So let me clear that first. we will start from starting.
"I was 8 when I came to know that my dad cheated and used my mom and I am the result of that. Till then I was unaware of fact, why Society tuant my mom, Why my mom hot tears touch my cheeks every night. Why my mom smile never reached her eyes.  When I got answer of all those "whys".  I hated myself because the reason of my birth,  is the pain of my mom's life.

I hated you from then,  every second that hate increase in me. I am open book for my mom,  she well aware of my hate towards you, that is why she never disclose my dad identity.

Arshi every word, every pain hurting two soul  present there, like knife cutting every nerve of a body..

Arnav: Princess let me..His word was cut of by arshi

Arshi: Let me complete first Raizada. That hate lead me towards my last album. Because of that album,  for the first my kush shouted at me. I was confused,  why she still supporting that person who cheated her,  because of that person she had to leave her home at age of 18.

I wanted to know,  why my mom support you,  and I know my mom never going to let me know her past. So I asked Nk uncle,  my mom''s best friend from childhood. He was the one who supported my mom when you and her family left her all alone. He know everything about my mom.

From him I came to know my dad name.  Arnav Malik and your college name.  From that college record I came to know your address which help me to find you. For getting information I had to promise a show for them. Next step was taking appointment. All gone well according to my plan.  Plan to destroy you,  make your family to throw you out from their life. Damage your name in society. I am here to take revenge Raizada. I wanted to give you same pain which my mom once gone through.

Arnav:Why, my world is hating me dad. Look at my situation dad,  my own daughter standing front of me but I don't have any right on her. I want to see love in their eyes but I can only see hate towards me. Why..I accept I did great mistake but... but... leave all that. 
Arshi.. ... You want to destroy me na do it... If it decrease your hate towards me, then do it princess. I just want to see little love in your eyes for me.

Arshi: I wanted to you become alone in your life. I wanted your family throw you out from their life.......

But how can I  punish that person who is already facing the punishment, who already far  away from his family for 16 years,  who is waiting for his family since 16year,  for his love. Now I know why my mom not hating you, why my mom wanted me to not hate you. Why she asked me to follow Our heart.

yesterday''s your behavior, Aarav words about you and today morning I went to CCD and checked cctv visual of yesterday, where I saw your eagerness to meet my mom which confirmed, that you love my mom, am I right Dad.

Love You

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