McNugget Time

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Fugo was still screaming when they arrived at McDonalds. Dio would have kicked him out of the car for being annoying but he was too busy listening to "Good Form" by Nicki Minaj to care. The door to the car popped open and Fugo ran in to find the nearest sharp object to stab Narancia with for asking him such a horrid question. "FUGO, WAIT DUMBASS!!!" Narancia yelled chasing after him.

Dio took out his headphones and smiled at Giorno. "Finally, I, Dio, will get McDonalds Brand Mcnuggets with my son, Giorno." "And me!" Mista cheered. "Yeah, waterever." Dio rolled his eyes "Vanillaaa~ I didn't bring my wallet so your gonna have to pay for us~" Dio smirked. Vanilla Ice looked back at his lord, blushing. "Anything for you Dio." Dio grabbed Vanilla's hand , stroking the lines on his palm. "You're so loyal Vanilla~" Dio smiled, moving his face closer to Vanilla Ices. "Hey dad, can you guys maybe not bang in the McDonalds parking lot? I'm kinda wanna get some food" Giorno said, glaring at his dad and his man hoe. Dio pulled himself away from Vanilla "Of course!" He smiled.

Dio slammed open the door to the McDonalds, ready to obtain his mcnuggets. "Hey guys, over here!" Narancia stood up at the table he and Fugo were sitting a, waving his hands at Giorno and Mista. For some reason he had a bandage on his cheek. Mista and Giorno walked over to the table and sat by each other. "Gio, come order with me cause I'm not ordering for your freinds." Dio said, ushering Giorno to get up. "Ok. I'll be back guys." Giorno smiled, waving at his freinds.

Dio sauntered up to the McDonalds counter, trying way too hard to be sexy. The man behind the counter looked at him and Giorno with pure disgust. "Literally kill me.." The man sighed. "Abbacchio?" Giorno said, secretly trying really hard not to laugh. "You work at McDonalds?" "Yeah kid I do, what about it?" Abbacchio glared, flipping some of his silver hair. "I just thought you were like a cop or something.." Giorno said nonchalantly. "Well I'm not anymore... Anyway what the hell do you guys want?" Abbacchio asked. "I would like 2 orders of McDonalds brand Mcnuggets for my son and I." Dio commanded. "Actually Dad, I dont want any Mcnuggets, I'm a vegetarian." "YOURE A WHAT

Dio has a Domestic Dispute at McDonaldsWhere stories live. Discover now