Chapter Two:Nighty Night

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Dear diary,
We have been walking for a long time, it's almost dawn. We would need to set our tent that Branch packed for the way. I saw the tent before and it is pretty cozy. I am still wondering though....

"Hey Branch?" Poppy aksed with her big smile,"Can we set the camp up it Is getting pretty late.

He turned to her also smiling a bit:" Sure, but we need to find a flat place so I can set up the tent"he looked away...

~What is with Branch? He is surprisingly calm... That's weird... He is never calm when in an advanture like this one.... ~ She questioned it so badly, wondering about his behavior. She didn't mind it though, Poppy really liked the calm and non paranoid troll he was at that moment.

She would often look at his face for a second while they were walking that whole day. And the way he spoke with her was just making her blush all the way through the forest. The shadow of the leaves covering her face and making it harder to see her red blushing cheeks.

The grass that was waving from the light breeze was peaceful enough to make the pink troll forget her pain. What would her friends say if they find out? Of course they will, sooner or later.

When those thoughts filled her head, she would close her eyes and listen to his humming. Nice and slow humming that was getting along with the windy sounds coming from the hills.


"OK Smidge, don't panic" she said to her self:"She must have a sleep over... Do not worry Smidge.... Poppy said that you should not worry much where she is! I am sure of the sleepover thing."Said the little yellow troll while putting her letter in her mailbox that was hanging on her pod.

Smidge left the pod quitely trying not to think about it. But it was there, she could feel the feeling building up the guilt inside her stomach.

She felt so silent she could hear her heartbeat....
~I am just over reacting. She is fine.~
But on the inside she knew something was odd going on here.

The guilt was slowly eating the poor girl up. But Smidge resisted this feeling. Smidge is not weak, Smidge is strong and will have a will to fight anything. But this was just making her weaker and weaker.

Was she wrong? No definitely not! Was she doupting her thoughts? Apparently so much that she has gone completely quiet.


The sun was setting and the moon rising. Branch was setting the tent while poppy was making fire. A bit of struggle in life won't hurt, right? Yes it would for poppys hands. She was rubbing those sticks until her hands were in scratches, but she still didn't mind. The pink troll just wanted to have marshmallows that she packed.

The reason for her unsuccessful fire was her attention to Branch. The whole time she was rubbing those stick she couldn't get her eyes of of him. She sometimes wanted to learn the things he does, so she watched his every little step and move.

He looked like he wasn't going exhausted. And he wasn't he is used to do much harder activities then setting the tent up. When he finished setting it up he look over to Poppy just to find her staring at him then she turned around blushing slightly.

"Need any help?" she herd his voice as she looked to the side embarrassingly nodding.

He came close and crouched next to her putting his hands on hers. Poppy saw this she quietly bid her bottom lip as her eyes were landing
everywhere but on him.

He gently started showing her with his hands how to do it going faster and faster making smoke come out of the wood plank.

"Can you get some dry grass?" he asked she removed her hands as she stood up picking up some dry greens from the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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