Changing A Bad Boy's Heart.

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This is just an AU where the ninja and the Nomicon are separated from themselves because of a curse. Nomi is the bad boy, Randy is a nerd boy so enjoy!
As the morning shines through the windows of Norrisville High, a nerd boy named Randy walked towards his locker, hoping that there'll be peace, but luck didn't serve him when he accidentally bumped into Nomi, the highschool bad boy. It was mistake.

"Uh, um, s-sorry." Randy said with his popular awkward smile. Nomi didn't take anything smooth.

"Look what have you done, shoob! You'll pay for this!" He said as he pushed Randy away and walked to his road. He felt strange, like something is telling him not to hurt him. He then felt sorry and left sadly, ditching his class.

Randy fell down, scars that he had previously opened with blood leaking a lot.

He sighed as he got up and walked towards the nurse office to get some bandages.

"This is going to be the worst..." Randy said as he went to class. The teacher wasn't so happy about it.

"Why are you late, Cunningham?" He asked. Randy sighed.

"I went to the nurse's office. I hurt myself. Sorry teacher." The teacher let him slide as he felt pity for the boy. The class started and all that Randy can think of is, Nomi.

'Why is he always in my head?' Randy blushed then realized, he likes him... But how? The class ended and its now recess. Everyone went to the cafeteria and thankfully, the food is good and edible to eat. Randy took and apple and was about to eat it when he saw Nomi under a sakura tree, looking sad. Randy got curious and decided to follow him.

'Why is he sitting alone with no food?' He asked himself. He got behind the tree and saw something he shouldn't had seen. A family picture.

"Oh, sis. Where are now with the rest? Still in heaven? I'm hoping I can follow you... Oh, mom. Dad. Daiku, Diamond... Nomichi, Buttercup, Butterfly... Why did you guys leaved me alone in this world..." Nomi said as tears dropped from his eyes. Randy hid himself as he felt bad. How should he cheered him up? He then remember about the apple. He took his extra sticky note and pen and wrote something on it before letting the apple rolled towards Nomi.

Nomi saw the apple and picked it up. He saw a note and read it.

Don't be sad. Have an apple

Nomi smiled a bit before keeping the note and ate the apple. Randy. Where did he heard that name? As he was eating it, a monster then came and attacked the school. Randy hid in a bush while Nomi hide in the lute as they both turned into the heroes of Norrisville.

"Nomicon! How are ya buddy?" Ninja asked. Nomicon smiled.

"Good. Now let's defeat this thing." They both faught until the monster was defeated. They both went to the rooftop to talk things to past the time. It was off school hours.

"So, how's life?" Ninja asked. His blue sapphire eyes glows and Nomicon admired it secretly.

"Good, I guess. Say, what do you do?" Nomicon asked.

"Oh, just gonna study. And maybe help a student."

"Oh, who?"

"Nomi. He doesn't seem so happy... Maybe I can help him. I don't want anyone to be sad. Its just not right." Nomicon blushed. He wants to help him change? Woah... That doesn't feel to bad.

"That's nice of you. You know, its been years now. I think its time to reveal ourselves."

"R-really?! Oh I can't wait! When?"

"Tonight, near the pond at the park. See you later, Ninja." Nomicon jumped. Ninja got excited. As the night came, Ninja jumped all the way towards the park and saw Nomicon waiting.

"Let's start this. Ready?" Ninja asked.

"Ready. One."



They both de transformed and shocked to see. The bad boy and the nerd boy. What happens next?

"N-Nomi?! I uh I didn't know that uh.... ////" Randy blushed. Nomi was pretty happy.

"So it was you. Glad you are my ninja, Randy."


"Yeah. And here's proof."

They both kissed as the moon shined brightly on the sky, sparkling the pond. So romantic.

"I love you, Nomi."

"I love you too, Randy."

And Then...

Beep beep beep.

An alarm came on. Randy groaned. It was night time, and he saw his mother's photo. He sighed as he climbed up to see the stars. Was it all a dream? He closed his eyes as he sang a song about his mom.

"Mom, where are you? Where you are? I can't control my self. Oh my mom, please tell me, will I be once again happy? Oh my mom, don't leave me be, all I want is harmony. Oh my mom, don't take us apart, cause only you can heal, my broken heart." Randy then turned around and saw Nomi with him.

"That was beautiful. You're mom?" They talked until it was late.

"Nomi, thanks for being there for me. I love you so much."

"Me too, Randy. Me too." They kissed as they both went to bed and realized one thing. Love can change the people.

B.M: Except me! TwT. See ya soon ^^  Sorry if its bad....

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