Kill this Love

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Creator: Yandere Randy! Time to switch the roles. Enjoy! *if you can't handle blood, don't read.*
Third P.O.V

"Randy? Can you pass me the eraser? I lost mine." Nomi asked.

"Sure. Here you go."

They are in the library studying for a test that was coming soon.

"Hey, Nomi?"


"If you had a crush on someone, will you stay with them forever?"

"Well, of course I will. Even if it means making them love you back no matter what. But if they don't, I'll understand their decision. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I-"

A scream was heard. A lot of students was running away. Nomi stood up to see what's wrong, but was stopped by Randy.

"Randy, we need to see what happen."


They rushed and found Heidi, with a knife in her chest. Blood spilled everywhere, and still fresh. Everyone was shock.

"Is she dead?" One of the students asked.

"No, she's just unconscious. The doctors and polices are going to find who tried to kill her." The teacher explained.

Nomi looked at Randy with a suspicion. Usually Randy will be scared judging from watching a horror movie they see yesterday. But, Randy wasn't scared. He looked... Happy?

Nomi took Randy to the boy's bathroom and locked the door and one of the stall.

"Randy, why are acting like this? You're getting strange after the news. Do you know anything about this?"

Randy was quiet for a while before a smirk creep on his face. He pinned Nomi against the bathroom stall. Nomi's face was red and shocked.

"Don't you get it, Nomicon? I fell for you. I love you. I want you to be mine. If I do the immortality spell, I can be an immortal like you! We can be together forever! I won't let anyone else have you. Especially Heidi." His eyes were wide with lust. Nomi slapped Randy from his yandere mind. Randy went back to normal and looked scared.

"Nomi, I'm scared. My yandere mode is controlling me. I can't handle it. Its true I love you, but I can't hurt you. Or anyone else. Help me..." Randy sobbed on Nomi's chest. Nomi hugged Randy with love and care.

"I love you too, Randy. If we tell the police about what happen, we might have a chance. But before anything else, I wanna ask, do you really wanna be an immortal like me? Its not that fun."

"I will even risked myself to be with you. Please..."

They went to the police and told everything truthfully. After telling the truth, they decided on sparing him and went to a master to release his yandere side.

They went home and Nomi did an immortality ritual on Randy, making him an immortal.
"Nomi, do you remember?"

"About what?" Nomi chuckled. Its been a few decades they be together.

"About what happen last night?" Randy blushed heavily.

"Oh... I remember clearly. Why?"

"Well, I'm pregnant. We're gonna have a child. I don't want to get too much pain." He said.

"Don't worry. Being an immortal has its perks. You won't get pain. I promise you." Nomi hugged Randy on their couch. Randy giggled.

"Thanks for the comfort, Nomi. Can't wait for the kid?"

"Of course! We're gonna be dads. But, I much prefer if the child called you... Mom."

Randy smiled.

"Then, I'll become a mother for you and the child."
Creator: Aw! That's so cute! I wanna die from the cuteness! Its too... SWEET! I hope you enjoy it as I do!

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