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I walked in my parents house. I said mom! Dad! I seen a note on the table.

We're at the movie store.

I took my bags to my room. They had changed it into a bigger bathroom. I said what the hell? I put my bags in the living room and went to the movie store.

5 minutes later
I walked in the store. Mom and Dad were at the counter talking to customers. They seen me. Mom ran over and hugged me. I said it's nice to see you too. Dad walked over and said you look so different. I said I just dyed my hair black. Mom said well it looks really good on you. I said thank you. Bryan walked in. He's my ex boyfriend. I went to the horror section of the store and acted like I was looking for something. Bryan walked over and said Winter. I looked at him and said hi. Bryan hugged me and said still gorgeous. I said thank you. Bryan said you're welcome. Hey don't worry about me hitting on you, I'm engaged. I said do I know her? Bryan said Taylor Smith. I said oh my god congratulations. Bryan said thank you. Love how you came over here to avoid me. I laughed and said I thought it would be awkward. Bryan said so what'd you do while you were gone? I said I became a professional makeup artist. Bryan said hey if you're not doing anything tomorrow night Jack's having a party and it would be cool for you to come. I said maybe, depends on if they need me here. Bryan said okay. Well let me give you my number so you can let me know. I said okay. We went to the counter. He wrote his number on a piece of paper and said here you go. I said thank you. Bryan said you're welcome. Hey Bob here's that movie. Dad said thank you. Bryan said alright see y'all later. I said bye. He left. I looked at them. Mom said he's engaged. I said I know he told me. So care to tell me why my bedroom has a bathtub in it? Mom said we thought you weren't coming back. So we renovated. I said okay, so where am I supposed to sleep. Dad said at Jake's. I said no, he lives with I don't know how many guys and they're basically children. Dad said sorry sweetheart. I said and you didn't think to consult with me first. Mom gave me a key and said I'm sorry honey. I said whatever. I went out to my car and went back to the house. I walked back in the house, grabbed my bags and went to Jake's.

20 minutes later
I went back to mom and dads and grabbed my bags.

10 minutes later
I pulled up in the driveway. I went to the door and knocked on it. Hunter answered and said well hello. Who are you here to see? I said Jake, May I come in? Hunter said of course. I walked in. Hunter said Jake there's a hot girl waiting on you! He walked in and dropped his drink. Jake said Winter. He hugged me. Hunter said woah Winter you're hot. I rolled my eyes. Jake said I thought you weren't coming for 2 more weeks? I said I found another airline. So mom said I was staying here. Since apparently my bedroom has a tile floor, sink and bathtub in it. Jake said yeah. I said where do I put my bags? They're in the car. Jake said I'll show you. I walked outside and grabbed my suitcases. I walked inside. Jake said come with me. He took me to my room and said I know it's not big. I said it's okay. Beats sleeping in a bathroom. I don't have a lot of stuff anyways. Jake said well make yourself at home and you're welcome to stay here as long as you want. I said thank you. Hey imma go to sleep. Jake said okay. He walked out. I went to sleep....

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