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Cutie lil German Shepherd 💗💗

A/N: And another prompt by my wonderful acquaintance. I wanted to do a Twilight fanfic  just to make her mad but she threw some Avengers level threats my way so I'm not doing that.

I floated along the meadow speckled with angel choir was singing in the background...

"OOMPH!" I felt my lungs collapse on themselves as a huge weight slammed down on top of me when I was jolted out of my very strange yet peaceful dream.

I gasped and I felt a slobbery wet tongue lick all over my face. I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut.
"AXL!!" I wheezed out. The licking stopped. I cautiously opened an eye to see my 115 pound German Shepherd laying on me, panting. He barked. Directly in my ear. I squinted at him.

"Axl Rose! Get off of me before I take away your squeaky toy!!" He jumped off of the bed and onto the floor right beside it. He proceeded to sit there.

And stare at me.
Still panting.
I grumbled.

"Alright alright I'm getting up." I rolled out of bed and onto the floor. I sat up and looked around the very large bedroom. I sighed. Axl licked my face.

"Ahck," I sputtered. I got up and staggered to the bathroom, where I proceeded to shower and brush my teeth and change. Axl followed me as I walked out to my huge living room, which connected to my amazingly fantastic kitchen. He ran ahead and started playing with his squeaky toy. It took me forever to get across the main living space.

Ugh Tony. Giving us all our own floors?? Bit much don't ya think?

Oh yeah, forgot to mention. I'm apart of the Avengers. Heard of em? Earth's mightiest heroes type of thing. I joined about a year ago. Tony gave me Axl as a welcome present. Axl is a little over a year old now, still the most adorable thing in the entire world.
Tony named him before he gave him to me.

Axl Rose, lead singer of Guns N Roses.

I had no complaints against that. I probably would have named him Fluffy or something like that.

Am I leaving anything out? I don't think so.

Anyway. When I finally got to my kitchen I made some plain scrambled eggs for my baby, and I made a smoothie for myself. After I'd 'eaten' and Axl had his eggs, we took the elevator down to floor that The War Room resides on.

I don't actually know what that room is called, everyone just hangs out there whenever they don't have anything to do. And Fury usually calls us in there to do debriefing on missions and whatnot. I nicknamed it that because hey, why not?

Axl bounded ahead of me the second the elevator doors opened. I ran after him.

"Axl! Hey buddy! Do you want a cookie?!" I heard a very distinct male voice exclaim happily to Axl. I rolled my eyes.

"Steve, don't give him a treat, he just had breakfast!" I hollered as I walked into the kitchen. (Every single floor in this place had a kitchen, and every single kitchen was always stockpiled full of food).

"Don't listen to her Axl, you deserve all the treats in the world. Now, who wants a cookie?!" He all but sang to my dog. I saw Steve bending down to give my baby the biggest dog treat I had ever seen in my entire life.

"Steve! What the hell is that?! That is not a dog treat!" He straightened and scowled at me. Just as he was about to say something, another person walked into the room.

"Language, Eve!" Bucky gasped.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out. Steve nodded approvingly.

"Bucky's right. There is no need for dirty words here. And I got it at Costco. They were on sale. Bucky can attest to that. He's the one who picked it out." I shot a dirty glare at Bucky.

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