Chapter 1 Royalty Issues

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           Robert says,  "Mom, Dad, sister, someday I will meet a princess and will marry her!  She will be kind and  will not care that I am blind."

         Aurora is not to be happy to find out she is a princess.  "Aurora, be reasonable about this my daughter," King  James says. 

   "Father, I need time to get used to the idea," Aurora says.

"Ok, take all the time you need,"  The king says and leaves his daughter's room.

Meanwhile, with prince Robert, "Mother and father, why do I hear you crying?"  He asks.

"Your highness, they are both just so happy for you," Alice the maid replies.

  "How is your search for a princess going my friend?"  Andrew asks.

"I believe my brother here has his head in the clouds," Princess Linda remarks.

"I heard that sis, and I do not have my head in the clouds," Robert says.

"Now son, you should not talk about marriage so much," King Fredrick tells him.

"Your father means it is not very realistic," Queen Natasha reminds him.

"How could say that about my best friend?  He is your son!" Andrew says angrily.

"I appreciate your concern, Andrew," Queen Natasha comments.

"This is not your business just drop it,"  King Fredrick remarks.

"There is no way our son should expect someone to marry him in his condition," King Fredrick states.

"Dear, I still think our son could find someone special.  Everyone deserves a chance at love,"  Queen Natasha says.


Now back with Princess Aurora, she thinks, me a princess. Now, what am I to do as a royal person?

"Father, why do not we have any servants, if we are royalty?"  Aurora asks.

"The maid quit when you were three years old," Her father tells her.

  "I have hired a new maid recently, " King James says.

"Oh, I do hope the new maid works out well for us then," Princess Aurora remarks.

"So, do I my daughter!  So do I!" The king says.

A Miraculous Sleeping Princess by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now