Spell class 101

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Just like usual, I was the first one to pull up the blinds and woke them up. Little did they know, I was never asleep to begin with. Another day as John had begun. Time to check the daily agenda.

A few days ago, I was still excited to check what adventures were we getting ourselves into. Now, I was just afraid. Afraid that we might do something foolish.

Breakfast went by like a flash, then it was up to Spell class 101. Corl again with his shenanigans, giving everyone snacks that he brought from breakfast. How was I supposed to find help if he kept doing that?

"Hey, thank you." Someone actually replied. Wait, someone talked to us?

"You can call me C- I mean Mike" Corl introduced himself.

"My name is Sketch. Thanks for the food." He shoved the cookies hurriedly into his bag.

"Can you guys be quiet? The class is about to start." A voice hissed at us. It was coming from that purple-haired guy. He had a green uniform, unlike our bright red ones.

"Sorry." I gestured for Sub and Corl to sit down. And there I thought things were getting better.

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