Chapter 1

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The sleep wasn't something Anne could catch that night. All she ever wanted to be, was pretty, she wanted hair as black as ravens and no freckles on her face. Instead she had red hair and a lot of freckels, but not a single soul who could give her what she wanted. If she was beautiful, as beautiful as in her dreams, maybe people would like her better, that's a thought she always had when she couldn't sleep. That's a thought that kept her awake. Nobody in her town liked her, wanted to be friends with her, wanted to be near her. She was all alone. The only two persons she had, where her parents.

Anne was in fact beautiful, and smart, but she was also different. She had a big imagination, it kept her alive, going, free. Most of the people in her town didn't understand it, most people were disgusted by it. Her way with words scared people that weren't like her. Yes, she felt down about that, but only at night, when she couldn't sleep. A night just like this night.

The moon reached its highest when everything went wrong. Anne was scared, but knew exactly what to do. Get everyone out of the house, close the windows and doors and then get yourself into safety. The fire can't get much oxygen anymore or you can't control it anymore.

"Anne!" A voice cried. "Anne!" It was her mother. "Anne! Get out of the house!"

Anne sprinted towards her mother, but was blocked by a wall of heat and flames.

"Mother!" Anne screamed. "Mother! Can you get out?!"

"Don't worry about me!" She answered. "As long as you're safe, everything is fine."

That moment Anne wanted to risk it all, her house, her belongings, her life. But before she could jump through the fire, two hands took her left arm. She looked up into the eyes of the man. She didn't know who he was.

"Let go off me!" Anne's voice was at the verge of breaking. "Leave me alone!" She tried to take the stranger's hands off her arm with the one he wasn't holding, but nothing she did made him let go. Instead he pulled Anne out of her house, leaving her mother alone.

Anne hoped her father was outside, waiting for her or helping the fireman. But when she didn't see him, she was getting worried.

"Maybe he went to get mother" The redhead said outloud.

"Anne! Anne!" A girl who was Anne's ideal beauty yelled. "Anne, you're alive!"

"Why does she care? She probably started the fire." That thought scared Anne, but she couldn't show it. Not while being with her.

The girl with the dark brown hair walked up to Anne and hugged her. Which was weird, Diana hated Anne, but now she was hugging her? Maybe this fire was a good thing after all, maybe people will finally wanted to be friends with her. Maybe she didn't had to be alone anymore.

The upcoming days she stayed at the Barry's, Diana's family. Anne managed to avoid Diana. Until her parents funeral. Everyone was nice to her, but Anne knew they were gossiping about her behind her back.

(A/N) So this is the first chapter, maybe vote and leave a comment of what you think of it.

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