Becoming each other's habit

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It had been quite a while since Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian got married and started living together harmoniously in cloud recesses. Lan Wangji had assumed the role of an educator and taught the Lan cubs while Wei Wuxian trained them in practicals which was roaming around in the mountains and fighting whatever creatures they encountered on their way.

Days were passing quite joyfully. Wei Wuxian's new body's almost non existent cultivation base had shown signs of progress with their consistent and whole hearted dual cultivation. Lan Wangji was a man of his words. The words "Everyday is Everyday" weren't spoken in vain and he proved that to Wei Wuxain every night to the point were he begged him to take back those words. But it was the trouble that Wei Wuxian himself had brewed. Telling Lan Wangji that he wanted to go to bed with him everyday, only to get fucked to the point of insanity everyday.

In the end he could only beg  "uhn..haa..haa..Lan Zhan..those words..ahn..of mine were said in was because..ah..I was unaware..of..the bedroom matters between two men!!!..Lan Zhan!! gentle!!..why must you be fixated on what I said in the heat of the moment ?!"
Lan Wangji only replied with "A lesson" and continued fucking him as usual. Wei Wuxian obviously knew what lesson Lan Wangji wanted him to learn. It was so he would learn to put more importance on his words and think twice before spouting nonsense. But just as a leopard would not change its spots, Wei Wuxian would not think twice before speaking and therefore, would continue inviting trouble because of his big mouth.

But it was not as if Wei Wuxian did not thoroughly enjoy these little lessons that his beloved Lan wangji tried to teach him, half the time he begged simply to aggravate Lan Wangji. He loved it when Lan Wangji was being forceful, so he would keep provoking him until he lost his cool. Other times he'd beg so he could act pitiful and criticize Lan wangji for being a brute, after that he would emotionally blackmail him into saying or doing some things that he would not normally say or do. These were the little joys in Wei Wuxian's current life.

It was another ordinary day in their life. After they were done with their bed activities, Lan wangji coaxed Wei wuxain to take a bath and he himself sat down near the tub with study table to arrange the questions for kids' upcoming test. Wei wuxian lazily rubbed soap on his body while looking at Lan wangji. In the faint golden light of the lamp, with his downcast eyes, wangji looked ethereal.

Heavens, Lan zhan really is pretty to the point of unfairness.

And as that thought passed his mind, he leaned over and took Wangji's petal like lips in his mouth. Wangji was startled for a second but it did not  take him long to respond enthusiastically. Wei Wuxian only sucked on his lips in the beginning but as he got more excited, he started licking his lips and tried to invade his mouth but Wangji did not let him inside. Wangji knew that if they continued any longer, he would not be able to get any work done. But as soon as Wei Wuxian looked at him with his watery eyes full of complaints, he gave in. Wangji cupped the side of his face and kissed him. It started as soft pecks but soon it turned into sucking and as the need to get even closer ran rampant, he sent his tongue inside Wei Wuxian's mouth. Wangji licked every nook and cranny inside his mouth and started sucking on his tongue. Wei Wuxian gave as good as he got. He entangled his tongue with Wangji's and sucked his mouth. When Wangji was at the brink of losing control, he broke the kiss but Wei Wuxian seemed reluctant and whined.
Lan wangji asked in a breathy voice " Not enough?"
With his whole body wet and his face flushed with the recent passionate kiss, Wei wuxian looked really appetizing. He gave Lan wangji a flirtatious look while speaking in that charming voice tinged with lust "Not enough"
Lan wangji almost gave in to the temptation but he knew that Wei wuxian was already pretty tired. He'd been begging in tears to spare him a last breath just a few moments ago, and here he was, inviting trouble again.

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