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It is the story of two boys. One is stubborn and the other foolish. They are currently so in love and so obsessed with one another that nothing else exists in their eyes besides the other one, be it living or non living. They are enjoying a life full of love and harmony and simply cannot imagine their life without one another. But it wasn't always this way. There were many many obstacles in their lives before they finally got together. Although the foolish one kept wondering why they hadn't gotten together during their youth, he also did not see how that could've been possible considering the biggest obstacle in the way of them being together was none other than the stubborn one. Although the stubborn one worshipped the sand that the foolish one stepped on now, it was exactly the opposite when they were still younglings and the stubborn one would avoid walking on the path he had walked on. It was quite miraculous that the stubborn one actually not only came to terms with his own feelings but also went against the entire world just to stand by the foolish one's side, despite the kind of teachings and upbringing he had.

It is astonishing what the brainwashing from a tender age can do to someone. The stubborn one grew up listening to the teachings of his uncle "the bitter one" every single day and believing that following the rules was the way to achieve greatness in life, that anything which deterred him from the path that was chosen by his elders for him was wrong and condemnable. Being an impressionable child, he learnt what he was taught diligently and applied it in his life. He became the perfect child. His uncle the bitter one was immensely proud of him and his old mouth couldn't praise him enough. He was adored and admired by all. However, he was no simple minded goody two shoes. A constant struggle between the values and desires took place behind that seemingly cold face of the stubborn one. It was not that he did not have a childish side, but he had simply learned to hide it. He too was greedy for his mother's embrace but had learned to control this greed. He experienced all kinds of emotions like any other. After all, he too was only a human child. It was due to the way he was taught and raised which suggested that to show his emotions was to show weakness and giving into emotions and following one's desires was the biggest obstacle to achieving greatness, that he had learnt to suppress them. He did as he was told because he did not want to disappoint his uncle who raised him and his older brother so painstakingly. He did not have the heart to rebel seeing how much importance his uncle put on one's conduct. In due time, hiding his emotions and suppressing his desires became second nature to him.

And thus, he became the lofty and cold Lan Wangji who disdained all things worldly, in the eyes of the world. What nobody could have foreseen however was the appearance of the foolish one in the stubborn one's life, especially the stubborn one himself. His little black and white world turned upside down when this cannon ball named Wei Wuxian hit him right in his heart. And thus intensified the struggle between desires and values. He tried hard, very very hard to keep his emotions at bay. He built layers upon layers of barriers to hold all of it back but one smile of him created such strong waves that destroyed all of these barriers that he so painstakingly created. He was everything he desired and which is why he loathed him as well. If Wei Wuxian was the Sun then Lan Wangji was that pitiful sunflower which was told that the sunlight would burn all its petals but despite being warned, it simply wished to follow wherever the sun went. The dry grassland of his lonely heart yearned for the rain that Wei Wuxian offered and simply wanted to drown in it. But it was not so easy to go against your own nature, to forgo everything that you've been taught since you could understand words.

Staying close was not an option. Hence, he opted for the next best option which was ignoring him. Alas! That was also doomed to fail since the fire seemed to be burning on both ends. While the stubborn one kept pouring water on it, the foolish one was too foolish to recognize the nature of it and simply thought it to be a spark ignited by mere curiosity towards an aloof pretty boy who behaved too far beyond his age and seemed like nothing in this world could catch his eyes. The real fun began when the foolish one came to realize that he could actually make this facade of his crumble and get him to react in an unseemly manner if he poked hard enough. Thus began the game of teasing and poking fun. He kept teasing the stubborn one without even realizing the damage he was causing. When the foolish one left for his own sect, he was completely ignorant of the fact that he had already poked a hole in the impenetrable armor of the stubborn one.

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