All the Worlds Glitter And Gold Could Never Match How Much You Shine In My Eyes

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All the World's Glitter & Gold Could Never Match How Much You Shine In My Eyes.                         Chapter 2;

"Are we gonna stand here all day like this or what?" mystery boy chuckled. I blushed and mumbled back, "Er, yeah..right." Gettingup from his grip I steadied myself, and proceded to walk away. "Wait!" I heard him call out. I turned around and found him jogging towards me. Hm, I thought, longish straight black hair,( Justin Beiber kind of haircut) ivory skin tone. Definately attractive so far, I proceded to look over mystery boy, tall, about 5'9"/ 5'10", about a good 5in. taller than me, he's thin, i can tell from here he works out, but not like one of those bodybuilder weirdos that feels the need to be overly bulky, he was wearing dark gray skinny jeans and a red polo shirt with a black blazer over it, he was wearing black vans too. But definitely the most beautiful thing about  boy was his eyes. They were a peircing emerald green, like a beautiful jewel. A beautiful jewel that was staring straight down at me. I blushed yet again, feeling a little ashamed that he caught me checking him out. When I looked up him mouth was pulled into a beautiful smirk. Shut up teenage hormones! I thought, mentally screaming at myself. "Yes, can I help you?" I asked in a small voice. "What's your name?" he says, his smirk growing bigger. I guess shyness is an effect he has on a lot of people. Well, two can play at that game I thought. " Sorry, but my mom told me not to talk to strangers." I replied, attempting to not be fazed by his obvious hotness. I turned around walking away, leaving mystery boy there speechless.

After I walked around for over two years and a day( in reality it was about 15 minutes) I finally found the administration building. I opened the door and walked straight into someone.  "Oof!" I said as I landed on my butt. "Oh my Jesus! I am soooo sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I look up to a frantic looking teenager. She was pretty, about my height (5'5") curly long blond hair that reached the small of her back, sideswept fringe too. Light skin tone, and really rosy cheeks. Like mystery boy, she had green eyes, but hers were jade green. She was wear light colored skinny jeans that had a hole in one knee, and a flowery pattered tank top, like me she was wearing TOMS except hers were blue. "Hm, nice TOMS. Little help?" I asked. "Oh, of course." she replied pulling me up. Brushing my pants off I said "Thanks.Hey can you help me?" "Yeah, what do you need?" she said. Scratching my head, I asked " Can you help me find my classes? I was going to the admin. building to see if they could point the way, but you seem like your nice, so can you?" She smiles back at me and says " But of course, but before I help I must know your name. Mine is Jade, Jade Marie actually." I looked at her then her eyes then back at her and said " That so goes with you! Like the color of your eyes and junk!" Laughing,she said "Yeah I get that alot." I laughed and said back " Well anywho my name is Charlotte Nicole, but you can call me Char." She smiled at that and said "Well, Char, let me that there schedule of yours." Digging through my bag I finally found it, crumpled up at the bottom. Handing it to her she scanned over it and her face lit up."Oh my Jesus! We have 3 classes together." I smiled internally happy dancing that I knew someone in 3 out of my 7 classes. "Which classes?" I asked. "1st period Chemistry. 5th period French and lunch right after. & 8th period Reading." she said looking down at her watch. "Shot! The bells gonna ring in a few minutes, let's jet!" She said dragging me to our first period class.

Authors Notes://

Sorry I took forever and a year to upload [in reality it was like 6 days lol] I hope you like this chapter, and please I beg of you to continue with this book. :D Oh yeah, and tell your friends, your neighbors, that creepy old guy that live on your street! anyone that may take an interest in this here story.C; I'll love y'all forver[ jk, unless you want me to ;D]mmh nah, but really spread the word. You know what they say, cause I sure as heck don't! :D anyways, but yeah. Love y'all everyone that's reading and hopefully in the next chapter we'll have more mystery boy? ;D i know yall wanna know his name, and if yall like her, I'll keep Jade. C: Well, I feel that this long butt note will get my point across so Ima end it here. Goodnight wattpadders. :D


P.S- I will try to upload in the next 4? days, but you know sometimes shiz happens, right? But I pinky swear on a unicorn pillow pet that I'll do my best.C:

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