25 | Where Hot Rose Sand Awaits

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Astrid parked a few blocks away to avoid being seen. She had a feeling that Peisinoe wouldn't be expecting to see her again so soon. That felt like the only advantage she had right now.

The sting of Daniel's betrayal still burned at the forefront of her mind, but she forced those thoughts away as she focused on the task at hand.

She snuck around the back of the Cathedral and looked for any openings. There was an open window which she could climb through, but it was very high up. Thankfully, the building had been built using flagstone, which had many nooks and crannies for her to grip onto as she climbed up the wall.

When she reached the windowsill, she shifted her body up and rested her arms on it, allowing herself to see into the building.

The Cathedral was very dark inside, but she could make out the figure of a young woman, tied up in a chair near the front. She quickly climbed in through the window and landed lightly on the wooden floor, trying her utmost not to make a sound.

Slowly, she edged along the sidewall, coming closer and closer to the woman at the front.

"H-hello? Is anyone there?" the woman asked shakily.

Astrid felt chills prickle throughout her body. She knew that voice so well...

"Please help me," Rose pleaded desperately.

Astrid threw caution to the wind and ran up to her. She couldn't bear seeing her this way.

"Astrid!" Rose exclaimed in surprise but was cut off by Astrid's hand as she quickly silenced her friend.

"Stay quiet. It's not safe here," Astrid whispered, using a knife to cut the ropes which were bound around Rose's hands and feet.

Before Rose had a chance to say thank you, Astrid had grabbed her wrist and swiftly led her to the window where she had entered.

"We need to get out of here. Come, I'll give you a boost," Astrid said in a rushed tone. cupping her hands and bending her knees, waiting for Rose to step up.

"I don't think so," Rose giggled.

Astrid went still. Something wasn't right. She slowly turned to look at Rose more carefully.

"What were you doing here in the first place, Rose?" Astrid asked in a whisper.

Rose burst into laughter, her laughter echoing through the spacious building.

"I'm surprised it took you so long to figure this out," Rose laughed again.

Astrid felt sick to her stomach as Rose continued to laugh hysterically. Tears began to well at the corners of her eyes.

"What have they done to you?" she whispered, looking at her friend with sad eyes.

"I think you know exactly what they did," Rose giggled.

Astrid felt a pang in her chest as everything fell into place.

"So that's why David went missing. They made you kill him, didn't they?" Astrid asked, her jaw clenched.

"Who cares about him. I'm so much better off now," Rose smiled.

"You cared about him! You've just forgotten. But we can fix everything. Just come with me, Rose. I'll find a way to help you," Astrid pleaded desperately, holding Rose's cold hand in hers.

Just then, the large wooden door nearby creaked loudly as it opened. Peisinoe stepped inside, followed by a large group of Sirens.

"Ah, she's earlier than I expected," Peisinoe smiled serenely, "Rose, have you kept her entertained?"

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