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Kale growled as he scrambled across the deck, making his way up to the wheel of the ship. Kale could hear the faint shouts of Spanish orders in the distance as the galleon barrelled closer, blocking their only safe exit out of the rocks. The. one other option they had was an intense maze of rocks that were just far enough apart that it looked like the Chimera would fit. Kale bit his lip in concern before he growled and cranked the wheel around with a sharp huff. Kale's eyes flashed to Nenari, seeing she had armed herself with her spear but her image was broken up because of the mist. Kale silently questioned himself as he set the ship's heading. Why was that woman so much on his mind? He wondered to himself, it's not like she was unable to handle herself. Kale shook his head and focused on task, gritting his teeth.

Meanwhile, Nenari stared at the map in her hand, ends of the parchment flapping in. the unpredictable winds, she gazed at the only thing she ever could have that gave her vague memories of her mother:

To my darling Nenari,
I leave this map to you in hopes you may finally be able to find what our family has been searching for. We have been looking for this treasure for generations. I leave this map to you in hopes you can find it.
Best of luck, my child. I love you.

The more she read that simple message, and the more Nenari struggled to remember the lullabies her mother would sing to her, the more she began to make sense of what happened all those years ago.

Suddenly, the bellowing command of a Spaniard voice. made Nenari's knees lock in place and one word came into her brain:


Is that how she ended up on that island? As a result of some Mutiny?! She was barely old enough to comprehend what had happened to her at the time. It was all so frustrating! The dark-skinned woman growled before was jolted out of her stupor as Sinbad's voice rang over the chaos,

"Nenari, grab the lines! Pull the sail, hard!"

Nenari simply nodded, stuffing her map back in her boot and grabbing the thick, rough rope and she pulled.

Rat, who was swinging from the high ropes looked down at Nenari, her jet black hair falling across her storm grey eyes as she pulled on the rope, impressive biceps and abs rippled as she shifted the mainsail over.

Rat was genuinely shocked at how strong this woman was. He tied off a rope before he called, "Captain, where do we go?!" 

Sinbad, who had taken the wheel from Kale, looked up at Rat, before looking across the rocks, "There!" He pointed to a narrow gap, "It's small, but we can make it!"

"We are going to die!" Rat screams, as he clutched onto the mast for dear life. Nenari reached out and got a firm grip on. Ember's rope collar while the other hand grasped the rail for dear life, Nenari bit my lip in worry as She pulled her dog close to her hip. The Chimera let out a screeching groan as it raked up against the rocks. Nenari exhaled shakily as she closed my eyes. That's when she felt it, a big hand grasps her shoulder. Nenari gasped, and turned, seeing Kale holding her steady with just one arm. Nenari blushed slightly before she steadied feet with a huff. Nenari then yelped as the Chimera jerked violently.

Poor Nenari was sent flying forward and she slammed into a powerful, warm chest. She hit the decking hard and groaned softly before she lifted her head, and gasped. Kale's face was inches from her own. Nenari could feel his warm breath against her face. She then scowled and shot to her feet, whistling sharply.

Ember came charging up to her side as Nenari scooped up her spear, watching as the Galleon became shrouded in fog. That is when a voice came from the ship, one of clear Spanish accent and a strong bellowing tone:

"We will have that map, Sinbad! We will find that treasure!"

Then the ship was gone. Nenari felt a chill go down her spine as Ember let out a loud snarl. Sinbad came up beside the tall black-haired woman, "So . . .  they wanted the map?" he rubbed his chin.

"I have been stranded on that island since I was a mere child." Nenari replied, "I have even forgotten a part of my own name I was separated from my family at such a young age." She murmured, "How could the Spanish have possibly figured out about my map?" She asked softly.

Kale came up on Nenari's other side, his brows furrowed, before his eyes widened, "Oh, my gods . . ."

"What? What is it?" Luca asked as the crew gathered around.

"The night we rescued Nenari from her island I saw something." He said, "It looked like a ship, but I assumed it was just the moon playing tricks on my brain." he rubbed his head, "It must've been a Spanish ship spying on us."

"And. you didn't tell us this why?" Sinbad asked in annoyance.

"I didn't think it would be important!" Kale exclaimed in return.

"Ok, ok, that is enough!"  Marina got between the two of them, "Now we know we are not the only ones after this treasure." She stated, "Which is a good thing."

While the three of them bickered about how they would have to completely re-evaluate their course, Nenari turned and walked to the bow of the Chimera as it passed through the rocks and made its way back out onto open sea. She sat on the rail, with Ember laying at her feet. Nenari pulled out her map and looked instantly to the note her mother left her. The name . . . the name.

To my darling Nenari-

That name. Nenari's brows rose as she felt her throat choke up. It wasn't even her name. Well, part of it was. You see . . . when recieving the paper oh so long ago, part of her name had been blotched out by the tide. So there was just an ari.

​​​​​​​Scared and stripped of everything, she scribbled in a Nen at the front of it, renaming herself as Nenari.

She became Nenari after that moment so many years ago. Even if that name didn't mean anything whatsoever. It was hers . . . at least until questions could be answered.

Nenari of the Seven Seas (KaleXOC) [Sinbad Legend of the Seven Seas]Where stories live. Discover now